SyberSpawn is my junk site. I have all sorts of stuff here, with links to even more junk.

TekRealm is a SciFi roleplaying campaign setting in the making. The concepts and ideas presented in the following pages have come from many sources, and have evollved over several years of gaming. New concepts will develop and be added as this site grows, and with your help we'll have something that can be shared and enjoyed by many.
This site will continue to evolve and add new material. Right now I'm just getting started. Please feel free to jump right in a let me know what you think. There's still a great deal of work to be done, and I plan on having fun while I'm at it.

INetDepo Files

Originally concieved of as a one-stop internet portal, INetDepo (Internet Depo) is now just a site to link to my other sites.