
Troian and Papa Bil's page


Love is Everything

you cannot avoid paradise, you can only avoid seeing it.
A poem called "HOPE"
I saw God today,
Just hanging out in a blue sky, several miles away,
while dark clouds were covering up the place i stood
and snow was falling real heavy.
It was very beautiful.


Light is the constant.

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A kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She noticed one little girl in particular who was working diligently. "What is that you're drawing, dear?", asked the teacher. The girl replied, "I'm drawing God". The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like". Without missing a beat, the girl continued to draw and replied, "They will in a minute."

God did not give us free will to have it removed by our fellow men.
How can you come to find something, till you know what it is you’re looking for? I never had tasted a ripe mango till one day in Hawaii, a person I met briefly, and loved briefly, gave me one. Yowser, it was like flowers, fruit and ice cream all mixed into one.
So too, with God, or Love, or enlightenment, as I currently prefer.
We live in a world of opposites. You can’t have love without hate. Just as you can’t have light without dark, or pleasure without pain.
I believe this is why God allows our loved ones to get cancer, suffer excruciatingly, and die. To leave us alone, scared, and full of sorrow.
Just as She gave us our children, their laughter, and rainbows on bright sunny mornings
full of hope and love.
Which brings me to my main point. I believe we need to allow every being on this planet to do whatever their heart desires, as long as it does not physically hurt another.
I don’t mean emotional harm, because it has been my experience that emotions are very difficult at best to control, and impossible for someone else to control for you.
I believe if you look deep enough into anything in this world, you will come to it’s opposite.
Just as E=MC2 gave us profound insights into our universe, it also gave us the atom bomb.
E stands for energy. Which equals M, or mass times the constant, or C squared. The constant is the speed of light, roughly 186,000 miles per second. The reason it’s the constant is that, even if we were moving 100,00 miles per second, light could still be measured as going 186,000 miles per second. Strange but true.
Even stranger, time is not constant. It has been proven that mass changes time. The more mass, the slower time. This is why time ceases in a black hole.
The reason I think this all relates to why we would be several steps closer to enlightenment, i.e., God, if we would allow every being on this planet to do what it’s heart desired, as long as it did not physically hurt another, is, that I don’t believe light was chosen at random to be the constant.
Light, both metaphorically, and physically can put us beyond time. Beyond love and hate, pleasure and pain. To the place we were all born, and to the place we are all destined, God.
This thought was synthesized under the influence of psylocibe cubensis. Is it less valid because of that? I think not.
There have always been chemicals which react with our brain in unexpected, miraculous ways. There have always been other, non-chemical ways to achieve these insights. But I propose that they are to difficult for most of us in our present state.
A Buddhist monk will often start at early childhood, and continue through old age and death, without reaching enlightenment. This may take many lifetimes.
How many of us can wait even one lifetime?
So, I believe God gave us a gift. Actually innumerable gifts, but the ones I refer to now, are drugs. Some of which can show us the insight as to why we are here.
I think this world would be a kinder more loving place, if everyone did mushrooms at least once. And I think that anyone who prohibits this, is unknowingly serving the darkness.
God gave us free will, who among us should take that away?
I don’t say this is gospel, or unchanging truth, it’s simply the best I've been able to come up with after years of trying.
Minds are like parachutes, they only function properly when open.
Please, I beg you, if you disagree with me, correct me. You can even do it anonymously.
My address is shroomme@inreach.com.
The Buddha said take nothing on faith, test everything till you are sure.
This has been a test, this is only a test, if this had been a real emergency... well you know the rest.
In conclusion, I’d like to say I no longer do “drugs”. I still take ibuprofen for headaches, and caffeine in the morning, though that one is on the soon to be verboten list. Nor do I recommend them to anyone, and , yes, I am aware that I did recommend psylosibine to everyone just seven paragraphs earlier, but I don’t think it’s possible to speak of, or elude to, the kinds of things I’m speaking of, and eluding to here, without contradictions. This is why Jesus spoke in parables, the Buddha in conundrums.
I quit drinking six years ago. My daughter is six. I still sleep most comfortably with a pillow over my head. When I was a child this muffled the screams coming from just outside my door. This is not to say my parents were bad people, they were not. It is to say that while doing their best to cope life, they got caught up with a drug that took them over. This is very easy to do.
Alcohol is worse than heroin, but it’s legal. “I love you man, but don’t take my bud light”.
Budweiser was the single largest contributor to C.A.M.P., the California Anti Marijuana Program.
Gee, I wonder who is making the money off of your and my pain.
Jails so full of kids who have harmed no one but themselves, that rapists and murderers go free in just a few years, or even months.
This needs to change.
I wish you all could help me.

b.g. 02/10/01

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