EST Oct 1998
The purpose of this page will be to supply to you a little information on some of the more isolated and lesser known destinations of the Outback.
If you think I may be able to help you, or
indeed, if you think that you may be able to help me, or you just
simply want to have a yarn, please E-Mail me at...
(all other email links will be updated asap)
If you enjoy reading great Australian stories or you are interested
in tracing your family name, or need a few hints on how to do so,
a visit to my sister's page is a must. Tracy has done all this and
more. Take a look at Tracy's stories, they are about real Australians,
their lives, pleasures and dilemmas.
Home Cottage
This is a tribute to a great Australian, his memories will be with us
for ever. This section has been put together with the help of a friend
of mine from Arkansas. Alice is well informed on Aussie history and
the Outback life style. Like myself, she is a fan of
Banjo Paterson
Go on, sign me book!
Look what others wrote!
Where I get my graphics, and web rings I have joined
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Tracy made it, neat eh?
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Why not check them out for your
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I know its been a while, but I was last in here on
Monday 29 July 2006
1998 to 2006
All the text and photography on my pages are protected by Copyright
If you wish to use any, please contact me at...