Please click on the diamond buttons,they will take you to the mentioned links...~smiles bright~
Welcome A/all
Hello,most of you know me as ~whitediamond~...
Let me take the time to tell you a little bit about myself and my
....I am 33,married to a wonderful man...who has been there for me for 15 years....yes a long time and there are times I would like to hurt him,but I have to love him even if he gets on my nerves at times...*L*...
I have three beautiful children....16 year old daughter....12 year old son....and a 8 year old son that thinks he is Gods gift to girls...*L...which he is of course...I love to teach,help others,and work with children....
Most of you may know me from Webmaze and GorChat....which some will tell you they are my second homes...*G..If you have never been there please go...they are great places to chat,meet new people,and have fun....*S
Now I will take the time to tell you about a few wonderful people in my life....
First there are my two crazy but great ....Most know them as LadyDiamond/LadyDivine and Mysticlady....Without them I would not have gotten through a lot of lifes struggles....They are not only my sisters but my best friends....*VBS*......
Then there is ....~soft kiss~....Who without him this page would not be possible....A very near and dear friend to my sisters and I....
Jo-anne a very good friend who has helped me out a lot....taught me things about a computer that no school could ever teach me....being there when I needed a friend....and is the one that has done quite a few of my avitars I use... ....~KISS~....
For all my new and old FRIENDS at and Thank you for your support and the kindness you have shown me.....~KISS~
Hmmmm now it is time to tell you about my hopes a dreams....Well my hopes might seem unusual to some or funny to others...but they are me....I hope for WORLD live a long and happy life....and when it is my time to go....I hope to go with my family and friends by myside....*S*...
Now my dreams....thats a tough one....My dream is to be the best I can be at everything I do in life and to live life to the fullest....*VBS*
I hope you enjoy the rest of the HomePage....there are a lot of and avitars to choose from but please do not use any with names in them....*S*