Mountain Grove Police Department
Established in 1896, The Mountain Grove Police Department has had one mission objective, to protect and serve the citizens of Mountain Grove by enhancing the quality of life, preserve the peace and provide for a safe environment for our citizens and visitors with compassion and professionalism.

The City of Mountain Grove is located in South Central Missouri, sixty miles East of Springfield, Missouri on U.S. 60 Highway with a population of six thousand citizens.

Mountain Grove Police Department has an Elected City Marshal, ten sworn Officers, four Dispatchers and one Animal Control Officer.

In 1990 the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program, D.A.R.E., was introduced to our school system.  In 2001 Community Watch and Police Cadet programs were implemented into the community in order to educate and reduce crime as well as elevate the opportunity for the police department to work closely with the citizens of Mountain Grove.

Mountain Grove is considered as "The Gateway To The Old Mill Trails" and a retirement community.  The citizens of Mountain Grove are friendly and enjoy the beauty of it's Town Square and Parks.

Our "Down Town" area surrounding the city square has that "Old Fashion" feeling with a touch of "Modern Hospitality".

If you would like to contact the Mountain Grove Police Department, you can contact us at the following address.

Mtn. Grove Police Dept.
102 East State Street
Mtn. Grove, Mo. 65711

Phone#: 417-926-5181
    Fax#: 417-926-3326
Chief,  Tommy Gaddis   
Service With Compassion
Places Of Interest
How Can I Get A Job With The Mountaing Grove Police Department?
I Want To Report A Crime
Community Alert Page
Abuse Hot Line
Contact Club Founder
Name: Jim Freeman