Robert's "Garding Graphics" Page

Hello to ONE and ALL. Doing my best to get my new business going. Garding Graphics is on the web now, with a web site and everything.

It has been a while since I have changed this page, but I am in the process now of creating this page for my business.

Printing has been a passion of mine for some time now, and this year brings my experience level to a new height. I have over 30 years experience which will give you just the right amount of expertise for your job to be done right and with quality

I have found that I am able to do more with my work than though possible before. I can now do carbonless forms for less than you though possible, and I do it well.

So, if you need anything printed, or designed, give us a call at: 317-777-1606 or go to our other website, and order your printing needs. They will be done with pride and quality.

See my other page

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