NOTE: Due to prudish Geocities/Yahoo guidelines, this site has no direct or even indirect links to nude photos.  Please contact Kentucky Nude Recreation/Kentucky Campus Nude Recreation for more information about the clubs and resources on this website.  You can also see the Kentucky Campus Nude Recreation site (URL below) or enter the mentioned clubs and resources into your favorite search engine.
Hi! We're glad you've stopped to see our website. Whether you're a newcomer wanting to learn more about nudism or a veteran looking for nearby clubs, it's hoped this website will help you. Even if you decide nudism isn't for you, perhaps you will leave with positive feelings towards clothing optional recreation.
What Is Naturism/Nudism?
General Nudist Clubs
Public Land Naturism
Public Nudity, Nudist "Societies" and Kentucky Law
"Twentysomething" Naturism
Nude Art Exhibition/Live Art Modeling
Additional Naturist/Nudist Websites
Web Rings
Naturism/nudism are both more or less the same meaning social nude/clothes-free recreation.  They are about body acceptance regardless of physical shape/appearance and are also about experiencing a fantastic sensual freedom.  Many activities having clothes such as volleyball, swimming, etc, can be better enjoyed nude.  We believe the nude human body is decent and neither sensational nor shameful.  Contrary to popular misconception, naturism is not centered on open sexuality.  Naturist attitudes towards sex may mirror the rest of the population in that such activity is strictly a private matter.  Also, naturism is different from natur-al-ism which is activities like bird watching although many naturists are also naturalists.Naturists/nudists make up all ages, races, income levels, job occupations, political and ideological views as well as most religions.  Far from excluding kids, nudism is family oriented and may benefit young people the most.  Studies suggest that children growing up around frequent casual family and social nudity may have higher self-esteem, less body shame and far lower teen pregnancy rates than textile kids.
While family nude recreation is a fast growing lifestyle that's becoming more accepted in Canada (Hanlan's Point Beach near downtown Toronto is now an officially designated clothing-optional beach) and the United States, naturism/nudism is much more mainstream (even taken for granted) in Europe. Almost all public beaches in Denmark are clothing optional. A park in downtown Munich, Germany has an official clothing optional section where nude and textile coexist peacefully. Cap D'Agde in France is a huge resort on the Mediterranean with a section that's for all practical purposes a nude city; many thousands can shop, have a haircut, bank, sunbath, etc., without the need for clothes.
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General Nudist Clubs
General nudist clubs in Kentucky are:  Louisville based KYANA Naturists, Bluegrass Naturists of Nicholasville/Lexington, Serenity Hills of Georgetown, and Frankfort based Kentuckiana Gay Nudists.
In addition, many clubs are conveniently located for Kentuckians in bordering states, particularly Indiana, Tennessee and Ohio. See the Kentucky Campus Nude Recreation site at  for more information.  You can also contact Kentucky Nude Recreation/Kentucky Campus Nude Recreation for assistance in finding Kentucky and out of state clubs close to you.
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Public Land Naturism
Although there are landed and nonlanded (travel) nudist clubs, there's also the option of descreet naturism in the great outdoors where one can find many isolated hectares of natural scenery on both federal and state land in Kentucky.  Although there are currently no legal or defacto public clothing optional areas in the state, naturism in descreet areas is possible.  This being said, tact is advised.  For now, covering up around textiles can be good courtesy.  While many park rangers and other law enforcement officials may unofficially support descreet naturism, it's not impossible some may use regulations to prosecute naturists.Other parts of the country do have public nude areas. Perhaps the best example of a state park with a legal clothing optional area is Sauvie Island on the Columbia River in Oregon. Many consider the legal clothing optional beach at New Jersey's Gunnison Beach (Sandy Hook) in the Gateway National Recreation Area to be the premier representation of successful nude use of federal lands.
Kentucky's federal lands include Daniel Boone National Forest , Land Between The Lakes National Recreation Area , Mammoth Cave National Park , and Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area . Among state parks (including Kentucky's 16 state resort parks), Green River Lake State Park has been listed by The Naturist Society as having many isolated coves for descreet skinnydipping.
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"Twentysomething" Naturism
A sister organization of Kentucky Nude Recreation is Kentucky Campus Nude Recreation. KCNR was formed in response to the relative lack of young adults in North American nudism.  As a result, several state schools have had unofficial clubs although currently onlyWestern Kentucky University has unofficial nudist gatherings; expansion to other schools is encouraged.  Although official status was denied where tried, universities never-the-less seem enlightened that nudism is no problem.We're grateful for the advice from Drakes Ridge Rustic Nudist Retreat Inc. (formerly Tri-State Country Club Inc.) and Bluegrass Naturists on how to proceed. Female members at these clubs have cordially made themselves available for reference to interested but reluctant female students.
The 1996 article in "N" about college/young adult nudism has been an equally important asset in forming KCNR.
Student naturists can group travel to nudist campgrounds as well as to nudist travel club meets such as the indoor events KYANA Naturists (administratively part of Drakes Ridge Rustic Nudist Retreat Inc. ) holds during the cooler months.  Several of us are also live art modeling.  Dignity and anonymity will be highly respected.  Interested students at any Kentucky school are invited to contact contact KCNR; the unofficial WKU naturist club may soon fold without new members as current students are nearing graduation.  In addition, the Young Adult Naturists website has helpful information about starting a school club.
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Nudists/nudist groups extend their good will in many ways such as joining a chamber of commerce, participating in beach and highway cleanups (the adopt-a-mile/kilometer programs) and donating to charity.  Student nudists at WKU are using an additional option: live art modeling in the nude for local art departments.  It is a fine way to support the arts, promote body acceptance and make extra income.  Consider modeling for an art facility near you; contact a university or art league for more information.  Male and female models of all ages and physical shapes are desired.
Finally, don't forget to check out happenings outside of nudism in Kentucky , in Lexington , and in Louisville .
Nude Art Exhibition/Live Art Modeling
Since 1999, naturists and naturist clubs have helped sponsor an annual nude art exhibit by the Lexington Art League.  This highly successful show will return in 2006 during January and February.  For information about attending, sponsoring, or entering an art work into the exhibit, contact the Lexington Art League and sponsors such as AANR-Midwest (a regional division of the American Asso for Nude Recreation).
Online Chat/Message Boards
Kennessee Nudists
Naturists Of Tennessee
Resource Links
Cheef's Nudist/Naturist Pages (also has Christian nudism info)
Being & Nakedness
Jewish Nudists
Women's Nudism Web Ring
American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR)
Young Adult Resources
Young Adult Naturists
Naturally Young (AANR club for young adults)
Nude U (AANR training program for university-aged nudists)
Naturist Students (elist)
Kid/Teen Resources
Junior Florida Association for Nude Recreation
Look for continued upgrades on this site. Information about Kentucky law towards public nudity (KRS 510.150) is in the works. It will appear adjacent to the present information about Kentucky law regarding nudist clubs.  Due to busy outside schedule, work is proceeding at a snail's pace, but anybody with time and good legal knowledge who wants to assist, contact KCNR.Thank you for visiting.
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