Hi, I'm Dave
My interests are:
Spring and fall turkey hunting, deer hunting, elk hunting, grouse, woodcock, quail, and pheasant hunting. I hunt with shotgun, rifle, muzzleloader, and bow.
My Spring Turkey Season 2000 Results
My Fall Turkey Season 1999 Results
This year and last year I have used a new turkey hunting product that is no gimmick, it works! A buddy and I have used it six different days, and myself and two buddies have killed seven gobblers in those 6 days of use, including two bowkills. I will never hunt a field without it from now on. If you have ever been frustrated at hunting hung-up field gobblers, despite using decoys, check out this site!
There are
left until Missouri Spring Turkey Season!!!
e-mail me at
Please come back soon and visit me.
(Unless indicated otherwise, all photos are of wildlife harvested by methods complying with all applicable state and/or federal laws, and under fair chase conditions.)
This site © Copyright 1998,1999,2000 David K. Coleman