Gold is like insurance in that you never really want to need it.

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Gold mining instructions

  Hi I'm a net addict
I signed up on 09/23/98 19:44:10,

My interests are: jewery making. Mexican women- The description of my page is: jewlery casting - lapidary and gold mining.

Ammonite , 70 million years old.

Created out of the shell of the prehistoric ammonite creature, the soil contents of Alberta turned the shell into the brightly colored , irrsistible and fiery colors says Ron Robak 403- 887-3140.

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click on sluice box for KILLER LINKS

click on Jenny for goldden facts

click here for information about gold.

click here for more information.


Good luck on finding tresure. Thank you. gold.gif

GOLD NUGGETS ARE RARE - occurring in place or alluvial gold. It is not uncommon to have one ton of ore yielding only 1/2 oz of gold. Hence , for gold to occur natually in the form of nuggets is indeed rare. Because of their beauty, scarcity, and value as jewellery, nuggets are worth more than bullion. Each nugget is unique - no two nuggets are alike.

And their romantic role in North America's history. - in weight dwt.



UPdated Feb 25th, 2004

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