This page is still under construction. On this page I'd like to share with you some moments that I've tried to capture on film. Moments that I've experienced in my wanderings in Sweden, Everglades, FL, Texas, Boundary waters, Lake Superior, Canadian Rockies, San Francisco, and of course, Minneapolis, MN, where I've spent last four years as a grad student. You'll see the pictures PRETTY SOON ! Incidentally, I'm a "sunset freak," so don't be surprised to see zillions of sunset pictures from all over the world.
By now you must be thinking "does she get any work done at all?" actually, I do. I'm a fourth year Ph.D student and pretty close to finishing my degree. I'm also a T.A. If you want to know how I spend most of my waking hours, check out my research. You can look over my Geo 1001 lab infos too.
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I took those shots from the opposite ridge along Trafala vallley. The picture below shows the other side of the valley.It sure is a beautiful place, isn't it?
© 1997
I'm basically a "rock-jock." That is, I'm a graduate student in geology. I'm not exactly a rocket scientist, but being a rock scientist makes me close enough, I guess. But that doesn't necessarily mean I don't know how to have fun!
Everglades; Where paradise is still accessible
(Left): A view of the mangroves from a canoe.
We were canoeing the whole day, and naturally, we were tired. On top of that, we couldn't find the next "chikee" on the map. Ultimately, we did get to it around an island. This is where we camped that night.
(Below): A quiet beach still unspoilt by tourist invasion.
Not the average picture of a Florida beach, eh? But then we didn't do the average "Florida-in-Spring-Break" thing. We wanted to experience paradise. And here we caught a glimpse of it.
(Below): Two citizens of the beach having a quiet breakfast.
We camped on the beach for the night. Sometime during our slumber we heard some noise that could have been some unwelcome visitor foraging our food. So I came out of the tent to guard our supplies. It was really early. The battle between night and day was yet to see a clear victor. The whole camp was quiet. I watched the sun come up from behind the forest, and then decided to take a walk along the beach. That's when I dropped in on the starfish couple.
Tarfala valley in North Sweden: my field area
You can see I took these three pictures overlapping each other. The glacier in the center is the great Storglacier. Its simply HUGE. The highest peak of Sweden, kebnekaise, is peeping from behind Storglacier. Its the tiny white speck at the boundary between the sky and the black amphibolite wall, seen it?
This picture is yet another view of the Tarfala valley, taken from North.
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