Colorado's 14ers and other Classic Hikes

Hiking and Climbing in Colorado

Engineer Mountain North of Durango

Welcome to my Colorado hiking and climbing web page. The page consists of narratives of the climbs and hikes I have done with pictures included where ever applicable. Additional pictures may also be posted in the Photographs Page. If you ever have any questions or comments regarding anything you see here, feel free to contact me at the address given below!


Many people have sent me an email requesting copies of my photographs. I will admit that I am a little behind the times when it comes to using the Internet to its fullest potential. In response to these requests, I have added a Photographs Page Link below. From the Photographs Page, you will be able to view and order copies of the photos included in the trip reoports, plus many others. I am in the process of getting some additional photos together, so check back for future additions!

Not much new on the home front. I am in the process of figuring out what to do and where to go in 2002. I would like to get in at least two new 14ers and several other hikes this year. I have posted a tentative list of what my overall goals are, but it is subject to change.

The new title picture you see is Engineer Mountain, which is north of Durango. I took this picture earlier this year when we were down in that area. I couldn't help myself when I decided to post the picture. How many people have a mountain named after their profession?

View Photographs

Projected 2002 Hikes and Climbs

Stay tuned for new additions and projected hikes!

Recent Additions

Completed 14ers

Rocky Mountain National Park

Indian Peaks Wilderness Area

White River National Forest

Eagles Nest Wilderness Area

Roosevelt National Forest

Holy Cross Wilderness Area

Arapahoe National Forest

Mount Sneffels Wilderness

Elk Meadow Open Space

Grand Canyon National Park

Links to other sites on the Web

Peak to Peak Trail and Wilderness Links
Peak to Peak Trail and Wilderness Links

REI Online
Colorado Rocky Mountain Trip Reports
Mountain Goat Climbing Page


Email Webmaster

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