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I've rearranged things here a little to try and speed up the time to load the page.
The index is now on a separate page, as it has grown way too long for this page.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit!

Please pull up a stump by the billabong and let's yarn for a bit by the campfire.

My name is Lorraine and I'm a gypsy by nature not by birth. My home base is Katherine, in the Top End of Australia's Northern Territory - 3 hours drive south of Darwin, our capital city (although I seem to be away more than I'm there these days so home is really where ever I am at any given time!)

After travelling eastern Australia for most of 2005, we rented a home in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia for a year as an experiment in living away from the tropics - instead of a 'seachange' this was to be a temporary 'hillschange'. Obviously we aren't meant to be settled. The pipes in the ceiling burst while we were away for a week in mid-winter - ooops one flooded/wrecked house. So we're back on the road again ... giving me the chance to gather lots more material for new pages which I'll put online somewhere down the track!

We raised 3 kids, who between them have given us 6 lively grandkids. My interests are travelling (by any means as long as I'm on the move), photography, learning about other parts of the world, computers, gardening, bushwalking, leatherwork, reading (specially murder/mystery, Aussie bush poetry and Aussie based works), writing, and spreading the word about interesting spots in Oz - generally taking time to watch sunsets and enjoy life a lot more.

We've roamed over most parts of our great country and have found so many wonderful spots. I'm keen to pass on information about them, and share a little on our Australian lifestyle. You will see in the index that I've already done a few pages on some of our special Outback Aussie spots that we've lived in - Katherine NT, Broome WA and Whitsunday Islands Qld - and some Aussie flavoured pages.

I've also added some pages with some pieces that I've really enjoyed - some of my own work and some of others - some fun and some a bit more serious - as well as some pages on our family and friends too.

Please let me know if there is anything special you would like to see added to these pages.

It's going to be an on-going job adding pages so please come back and visit again to check out the progress! How was I to know when I put together my first homepage in Nov '98 that it would lead me into this!!!


Please take time to let me know you dropped in by signing my guestbook - you'll make my day - thank you!

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