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Welcome to the Journ Trailhead

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the experience & allegory of travel in all its forms

sandsteps So to dream
is to
redwood road To travel
is to live
and learn
flowerblazing to dream
road & beyond -Loway 101
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Feature Pages

- Personality

Journ -a root directory of travel

An archived travelogue -trails, tales, and the point at which it all comes together. Photos, links, journal entries, poems, destination descriptions and more. Also includes feature- the Hitchhiking Pages.
Jack Kerouac
. . Beat Writer

Travel Types -Personality Type put to the Road Test

Discover how your personality preferences affect your travel decisions and receive recommendations from people who share your perspective.
Now in its own domain!
Carl G. Jung
. . Mind Wanderer

digihitch - hitchhiking, rail & road travel

An interactive portal for hitchhiking and road culture. Thumb on over, grab a free user account, tell your tales. Easy, rider. Or just take a look around- features include articles & stories, advice, links, photos, interviews, and a message forum. Make Kerouac proud and burn rubber.
Further bus
. . Merry Prankster

Journ Travel Survey -current topic: Time Travel

Archived travel-related surveys.
Douglas Adams
. . Galactic Hitcher

summer wake -floating through south-central alaska

Excerpts from Morgan's book written summer of 1994. Includes photos, poems,
links, and a journal entry centered on seasonal life on the Kenai Peninsula
in Alaska.
John Muir
. . High Sierran

amazon.com for travel favorites

This link will take you to the travel books index. Always a great place
to find destination guides, biographies, and first-person accounts.

link will open a new window
Walt Whitman
. . Meandering Poet

Past Travel Journals and Reflections

Includes 'Book of Journey', travels up the Pacific Coast in Autumn 1993.
Leave your mark. Submit your own journals, photos, and personal accounts.
Henry David Thoreau
. . Lone Woodsman

Links for the Way

Travel-related links with continual updates and new listings.
Contribute your favorites for inclusion.
Ralph Fiennes
. . Journeyful Actor
The site webmaster is an INFP traveler. Visit Travel Types to learn what this means (and how it relates to you). -