Wolfpup's Tribute to the Wolf
Please Welcome Wolfcharmer and Wolfette into my new family
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Wolves aren't a threat to humans.
Wolves are elusive, intelligent animals. They avoid confrontation. There has never been a verified case of a healthy wild wolf killing a human in North America. Not one.
As many as 750,000 wolves once
roamed North America. Native
American tribes admired the wolf for
its endurance, intelligence, and skill in
hunting. Wolves live in packs of 8 to
20, and are highly intelligent and
socially evolved. By preying on weak,
diseased, and injured animals, wolves
enhance the overall strength of moose,
caribou, and deer populations. Despite
their important ecological role, and
posing no threat to humans, wolves
have been hunted nearly to extinction.
Today in the U.S., the haunting melody
of a howling wolf pack is heard in only
a handful of states.
Historical disbelief! In 1972 the Department of Defense ordered 277,502 parka hoods trimmed with wolf fur. Conservationists and elected officials protested like crazy. The Department cancelled the order. The Department of the Interior pointed out the amount of fur involved would affect all the gray wolves of the continent!
Wolves aren't killing machines!
With rare exceptions, wolves kill only in order to eat -- unlike humans.

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I have Wolfpup's INFORMATION page up and ready. I am working on it and have a lot done but still need to add more Info to it. Please be patient and also Please Check the Sites and WebRings Listed below, There is a lot of Info and ways to help out The Wolf if everyone will just take a little time to do it. Every little bit help, whether it is signing a petion or Sponsoring one of the many Wolves available at WolfHaven International or International Wolf Center.please take the time to Help out a Most Beautiful and Majestic Creature