Welcome to
Gallant Hope Farm
Joanne M. Friedman, ASEA Certified Equine Appraiser

APHA Paints ~ AQHA Quarter Horses ~ ApHC Appaloosas ~ AMHR Miniatures

The How-To's and the Why's for the Horseman and Horse Lover

Grab this swicki from eurekster.com

Gallant Hope Farm is located in rural Northwestern New Jersey. Here in the hills of Sussex County our horses share 30 acres of fields, pasture, and woods. We are dedicated to their care and feeding. Though we are not a boarding facility, we do occasionally have horses boarded with us, and we always have room for a friend in need. The farm is registered with several agencies for disaster relief. Natural horsemanship and a natural lifestyle for our horses are our focus.

In an effort to further the education of horse owners and horse lovers not able to own a horse just now, we offer a few links to sites of interest, some words of wisdom, a chance to search Yahoo! Auctions for more horse stuff, and a chance to share the love by clicking on the Animal Rescue Site's link and donating, at no cost to you, food to feed abandoned animals through North Shore Animal League and other, equally worthy organizations. Please click often!

NEW!! Check the bottom of the page for a Clusty Cloud of links to great tack sites!

Do You Understand Dominance? Click here to learn what dominance means to your horse and how to achieve it without tears.

Strange Equine Afflictions Click here to get the inside scoop on those odd things your horse does.

Articles: Click here for access to more of my horse articles archived at Horse Tales E-Zine

Horses in the Yard blog click here to read about current equine issues and get the word from the herd updated regularly.

Click here to meet the horses of Gallant Hope Farm.

Click here to view links to our favorite sites.

Can't afford a Live Horse? . . .dress up your BREYERS at Tack Without a Doubt!

Freelance Writing . . . Non-fiction and business writing and editing

Still in Stock! Now available from iUniverse, It's a Horses Life! Advice and Observations for the Humans Who Choose to Share It.

Just Released! Now available from iUniverse, Horses in the Yard and Other Equestrian Dilemmas).

"The rhythm of the ride carried them on and on,
and she knew that the horse was as eager as she,
as much in love with the speed and
air and freedom."
Georgess McHargue

Gallant Hope Farm supports the Far Hills Race Meeting! Join us each October as the Far Hills Steeplechase runs for the benefit of the Somerset Medical Center's cancer wing. In this economy every bit of help is necessary to keep such fine medical care available to all who need it.

Proceeds from the race built the Steeplechase Cancer Center. Be a part of something exciting!

Here our youngest family member gets a boost from his dad

and an introduction to the thrill of the 'chase!

Ready to run!

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