Welcome to the Home Page for Boy Scout Troop 1631 located on Kent Island, Maryland.



  •  Who are we?
  •  Where are we located?
  •  When do we meet?
  •  What do we do?
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  •  E-Mail me.




    Boy Scout Troop 1631 is in the Choptank District of the Del-Mar-Va Council. We are a young Troop chartered in the fall of 1999. Currently there are over 30 active Scouts, a Scoutmaster and five assistant Scoutmasters.  The Troop is sponsored by Christ Church Parish located in Stevensville, Maryland on Kent Island.

    We are a family oriented Troop and actively encourage the involvement of parents and guardians in their son's scouting experience. For most activities, family members are invited to participate with proper parental supervision.

    Currently we have four patrols, the "Moose" a high adventure patrol for the older scouts, the "Hawks", the "Scorpions" and the "Cobras".  The Scouts hold elections to fill their leadership positions on an annual basis.

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    We are located in Stevensville, Maryland. We are on Kent Island, an island in the Chesapeake Bay. Our community was once mainly agricultural but is experiencing the change to a more urban setting. Kent Island is in close proximity to major metropolitan area within the Baltimore - Washington, D.C. corridor.  Located at the Eastern terminus of the Chesapeake Bay Bridges, Kent Island is also known as the "Gateway to the Eastern Shore".


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    We meet every Tuesday at 7:30 PM at Christ Church located on MD Route 8 south in Stevensville, MD.

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    We have a quality program that is ever evolving. We try to feature a camping trip each month. The camping trips are supplemented by other activities such as field trips to locations is support of merit badge requirements.

    We participate in Council and District activities. The Troop plans on sending the majority of Scouts to summer camp each year.

    We offer Junior Leadership Training to all Scouts on an annual basis. The Troop endorses and strongly encourages all adult leaders to take advantage of offered training.

    We also offer Youth Protection Training to all adult volunteers.

    Once every three months we hold a Court of Honor to reward the Scouts for all their hard work.

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       If you would like to email me, then click on the fishing boy!
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    This page was last updated 3/26/06
    Page Designed and Maintained by Hilda Hrechun  
    This page has been opened Counter times.

    This is not an official site of the Boy Scouts of America