this douglas lives in new jersey.
the update: the philadelphia house was sold! douglas spent much of his three month break at his grandparents' house, where he organized his home sale and rode a twenty-dollar bicycle all over town. thank you, grandmom and grandpop! douglas and his grandparents visited cousin vanessa, and her daughters, erika and allison in connecticut. cousin stacie, gave birth to a baby girl, kristina, in late september. douglas will be back in town for the christmas holidays.
the history: douglas grew up in central new jersey (1 hr from ny city) and south-eastern pennsylvania. he has one brother, bruce. douglas attended the haverford school and graduated with honors from rpi, where he studied computer science, applied mathematics and german. his father, fred, retired early and now owns and manages the haddonfield inn with wife, nancy. bruce is known worldwide for his writing and clinical work in child psychology. he and wife, catherine, are professors in hawaii and have two children, marie and nicholas.
working boy: douglas was employed 13+ years as an expert-level software designer with navisys, the insurance technology company. responsibilities included hiring, training, consulting in the usa, at canadian partner, sinc, as well as major insurance companies (met life, the equitable, mass mutual, general american, standard life, mony). he remains close friends with leading industry experts, rob marone (blue frog) and tom mccahill (milliman).
volunteer: laubach literacy (4 yrs), the franklin institute (3+ yrs), fox chase cancer center, eagleville rehab hospital.
hey! what is this site all about? is it serious or silly? land of the free? or land of the almighty dollar?
this douglas lives in bad homburg vor der höhe.
the update: douglas gave up his apartment in frankfurt niederrad and moved into his girlfriend's apartment. he is in his final
semester as a student of german literature and linguistics at the university of frankfurt and has recently completed a one-year research project which involved the creation of his own poetry machine. douglas has an exceptional academic record and has led several tutorial seminars in linguistics. upon finishing his studies in november 2006, he intends to return to his career as a software developer.
the history: marie, douglas' mother, was born in lauchhammer (brandenburg) and grew up in darmstadt. she was 6 years old when her city darmstadt was devastated by world war ii air attacks . eight years later, after a painful divorce, marie's mother (douglas' grandmother), jenny, married an american soldier and immigrated to the usa. marie's father (douglas' grandfather), kurt, originally from marburg, stayed in darmstadt and remarried. jenny's sister, liesel, made frequent trips to see family in the usa. jenny's brother's grandson, ronny, visited the usa in 1997, 1999 & 2003. douglas relocated to frankfurt in february 2001 to work for syntegra. he left his work in january 2002 to become a university student.
working boy: douglas worked as senior internet consultant for syntegra, a subsidiary of bt. he was based in frankfurt. he also had projects in england (3 months), spain and holland.
why is douglas in germany? why bad homburg? the food at the mensa is a delight

this douglas lives in são paulo, são paulo.
the update: last back in march 2003 to research teaching and university opportunities in são paulo. dear friends, cláudia, her sister, vânia, and parents, aparecido and cecília, have been douglas' "brazilian family" for the past few years. ana, douglas' first true friend in brazil, is now a well-known artist. she was featured a few year ago at the entretantos exhibit at the university of são paulo. when she met douglas in spain in october 1995 she was just getting started. her outfit, faro fino (a.k.a. sera fina), now sells custom-painted bags, wallets, backpacks throughout brazil. ana, are you working too much? friend, eliane tavares, we can't forget her. study buddy from frankfurt, deyse freitag, now in curitiba. also unforgettable: the mendes sisters, ale, hêlo, patrícia, carla, sibely, fernanda (now in belgium).
the history: douglas traveled to brazil for the first time in november 1995 by way of argentina. within the first few days he was captured by the indescribable spirit of this place. he made many return trips, mostly to são paulo, rio, londrina and salvador, but also short trips to the northeast (bahia, ceará, pernambuco, alagoas), the central west (goiás, brasília) and the south (paraná, santa catarina, rio grande do sul). douglas lived in são paulo briefly in late 2000/early 2001 and still has a mailing address with a friend in pinheiros. through his experiences and friendships in brazil, and with brazilians in the usa and europe, douglas has become "part brazilian".
working boy: douglas has worked for faro fino on collaborative projects, as web site designer and as staff at fairs in both são paulo (vila madalena) and rio de janeiro (hippie fair in ipanema, jockey fair by jardim botânico). douglas speaks portuguese.

i dream in juices. i sweat in buses. i have a lot of kissing to do. ele tem muitas saudades do brasil

chorpita software gmbh. philadelphia, bad homburg, são paulo. 1993-2006.