Animation created by my friend, the late Donna Trefry

Sherm Horn's Metal Detecting Site

I Love Metal Detecting!

Last updated 4/8/02

Just got a notice from Geocities stating I needed to update my web site or it would be dropped for inactivity. So this is it! I am leaving for England on 2/1/04 to hunt for a week near Pevensey Castle in E. Sussex and will hopefully have some great new finds to add to this page. Wish me luck!

Sherm Horn (on left) & Jimmy "Sierra" Normandi detecting in England, 1997

To find out more about Discovery Tours International Metal Detecting Tours to England, click on our picture.

I have been metal detecting in the US for about 20 years and will be going on my 9th detecting trip to England in August 2002

To see some of my better finds for the US and the UK, click on the maps

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I use the best, White's XLT

To find out more about White's Metal Detectors, click on the XLT to go to White's Electronics Home Page