Welcome to my web page. It is difficult to write a page of information about oneself without sounding trite or self-aggrandizing. I hope this comes across as neither. Let me start with a brief history.

    I was born in central Indiana in 1954 while my career military father was in Germany. My mother and two older sisters and I went to live there with him in Wurtzburg when I was 9 months old. By the time I moved to Springfield, Virginia in the summer of 1968 I had moved nine times and gone to 8 schools. I was the only one of my three siblings that went to the same high school for 4 years. I graduated from high school in 1972 from West Springfield High School.

   I went into the Navy when I was 22 and worked as an Anti-submarine Warfare Technician for close to 7. My reason for going into the Navy was for the educational benefits. I started college in 1983, received an Associates of Liberal Arts degree in 1985 and a Bachelors of Science degree in Business Administration in 1987. I started working for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in 1986 in Fiscal Service in Togus, Maine. I moved to Nashville, TN in 1987 and worked at the VA Regional Office for one year before moving to the VA Medical Center in 1988, where I started working in Medical Administration. In 1994 I earned a Masters of Science degree in Healthcare Administration and moved to Denver, Colorado.

 I am happily married to a wonderful man. I live in a Victorian home that was built in 1903 with my new husband, Mike, and a 70-pound Rottweiller, Dax, and my cats Kimba VI and Little Bit

   Some personal facts: I am a 5'7" tall, with brown hair and green eyes. I am a serious practitioner of Zen Buddhism. I eat a vegetarian diet and am a supporter of many social and environmental organizations. My website Two Compassionte Hands is a resource center and has a Marketplace. 10% of my private practice and website income is dontated to organizations that work to save the planet.

I am an avid hiker and enjoy backpacking, biking, and snowshoeing. Writing, reading, and music are some of my main interests. I couldn't wait until I retire in 2010 to start doing the things I had dreamt about doing, so I started taking piano lessons in January of 2000 and ran my first marathon a few months later in May; I ran 4 marathons before January 2004, when I started massage therapy school. I currently have a private practice in Denver,CO.

I love my job as the Fisher House Program Director in Denver, but plan to retire from the federal government in January. My husband and I plan to do a through hike on the Appalachian Trail, starting April 1, 2012, after he retires. I am also looking forward to doing some serious writing, reading, photography, and watercolor painting.

My son, Zachariah, lives in Nashville, TN with my beautiful grandchildren, Echo Elizabeth and Loki Michael.
