The Minnesota Trackers Club was formed as a forum for people in the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota interested in the ancient philosophies and techniques of Native Americans and living in harmony with the Earth.
This group seeks to learn and live the teachings passed on by Tom Brown Jr., Jon Young and other wise ones living the Native philosophy and practicing Native skills.
To learn more about Tom Brown Jr. and his tracking, awareness, and wilderness survival school visit our links page
We are not meeting as a group at this time. Click here for more information about our meetings and activities. Previous topics have included tracking, stalking, trapping, cooking, primitive shelters, and wild edibles. Meetings may also focus on Native American philosophy. Living and flowing with Earth Mother, and the spirit-that-moves-through all things is included in everything we do.
"It is not those people who destroy the earth that you should hate, but hate instead their actions. They know no better. Fight their ignorance, and teaching them, the wilderness will become your greatest weapon." Stalking Wolf, Apache elder