to the home page that connects my camp pages with the new resourse pages!
This page has hosted my unofficial Camp Kittamaqund site since '98 (my first year as a Counselor In Training), and since I spent last summer ('02) at Pamunkey Ridge Camp, that summer is also included. And although those sites are highly entertaining to those of us who were there, there isn't a lot of information there for curious parties such as "what does a tent at kitty look like??" so I am hereby starting to remodel this home page to be a source of more information including songs & games that I have learned through my years of camping. I hope it's useful! Happy camping!
~Tracy "Draco" Hamm

All sites but the original camps one are under heavy construction... but just for fun:
Frequently Asked Questions

Other Links:
Girl Scout Council of the Commonwealth of Va
Va State Parks

Click on the banner above to visit the sites to which I have dedicated so much time and effort (to the exclusion of this site). You're sure to find many "amusing" pictures of me there.

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