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Pacific Northwest

Sport Fishing & Wildlife

Fine Artist-Designer

teri renee

The Creative Process

The creative process incorporated into Teri'sunique fine art images was as spontaneous and passionate as would be expected from an extraordinary rare and exclusive creative talent. Images would eminate from her through a creative mood which may have been triggered from seeing the actual subject somewhere, a photograph or if simply a suggestion made to her, that then, was visualized in her minds' eye and transferred onto a cotton rag paper canvas.

In the beginnings of her work, she rough outlined the image on a piece of Archival water color paper. The technique she then would apply is called "pointillism". This is a lost pen & ink drawing technique from the time of the Old World master, Renoir. This technique entails the intense and concentrated focus on the application of black ink to the paper with various shadings of dots...Dots, fine, fine dots. Every detail of the image she executed was precise, and flawless. If the waterfowl image presented an outstretched wing, the primary feathers would be exact, as found in nature. What was so remarkable about the process she undertook was that all of the specific detail for example, feathers, were not drawn in and was done from her minds' eye visualization of the subject, as she captured it on paper.

Once the original pen and ink process was completed, a negative was made of the original image. The original image was then water colored. The original then, would not and could not ever be reproduced in the process that it was created to be.

The lithograph paper stock was carefully selected with quality and longevity kept in focus.The final completion process incorporating color washes, a priority that the paper stock selected accepts water color washes well...the recognized process that makes her work exclusive, making each lithograph, an original watercolor.

Teri was present at all limited edition press runs. She would "pull" the first 10% of the lithograph editions after the archival ink set up was approved. Once the press run was completed, Teri personally destroyed the negatives and plates used in the printing production of the image that was printed.

Limited Edition quantity sizes have never exceeded one hundred images with 10% Artist Proofs. The only acception being in 1985, the Limited Edition pair "Mallards" was produced with one hundred and fifty additional lithos. This was planned and exicuted by Teri to submit them for donation to Duck's Unlimited National to assist the organization in fund raising for wetlands conservation throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico.

Every state capital DU chapter and major cities throughout the country have received a pair of "Mallards" for their annual auction. There are limited inventory quantities remaining of smaller limited edition images that were commissioned before 1993 that do not exceed from twenty five to seventy five pieces.

After the water color wash has been completed, she signs and numbers each. She hand deckles all of her larger work. This is done due to the water color wash application. The process actually "shrinks" the paper, creating "waves" in the finished lithograph. This is due to the 100% cotton rag content of the Strathmore paper stock that each lithograph had been printed on. Five percent of each limited edition is remarqued. A registered certificate of authenticity is the completing, final process.

Teri's framing design preferrance and suggestion is the lithograph be museum "floated"...this framing design gives a rich and beautifully tailored presentation.

Teri has done commissioned work of working hunting dogs, specialty bird and fish images. She is also known for her pen and ink works of beautiful, intricately detailed Victorian homes throughout the Sonoma-Napa Valley area in the wine country of California. In her fine art portfolio you will also discover Historical Estates, Private Residential Homes and Yachts.

Sport Fishing & Wildlife Fine Art

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"The Art Of Fly Fishing"

Sport Fishing

Game Birds & Water Fowl

Birds Of Prey

Big Game



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Since January 2000