Rival canoe groups to NOT PLAN the 2nd meeting at Ludington State Park! Rangers preparing for another ruckus!
Will the mystery person appear again!! June 1st to 3rd

'Vous Crew

So many rivers, so little time


The Rivers


First Descents


"The Crew"


Is this fun!.
Photo by ?

The 'Vous Crew is an unofficial, independent, and generally disorganized band of canoeists in West Michigan. We don't have Mission Statements, Goals, or Objectives, except to paddle as often as possible.

Canoeing Michigan Rivers by Jerry Dennis is an excellent source of information. We consider it the Bible for Michigan river canoeing. We've got some information on some of the rivers that he hasn't included, or may be different since he paddled them. Take a look at our River Guide, or a Journal of our Trips that describes time, conditions, and participants of past trips.

Why are you here instead of the river?
Maybe to check on:

Comments or Questions?  Email me!  Yazzur@Hotmail.com
See something that needs revisions? Just give me a "hut" and I'll change.

This web page maintained by Yazzur

Last updated Feb. 27, 2000