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These Pages Last Updated: 5-16-1999

Hello Fellow Metal Detectorist!
Come join us- We have been active in this area as a club for twenty five years. The club meetings areare more than a social event, we have displays of members finds for the previous month. Members only can particpate in displaying in this event, vistors however can vote on the winner in five categories. While not all meetings have a program speaker, some knowledge is disiminated at the meeting to our amature members. Come Join in the Fun !!

My name is Michael Smith, I am the treasurer for the club and now the web master.

Our Web page will have music so if you want to hear the sound click on the logo below to down load a midi player.

CressendoClick here to download midi player

Come back soon! For more information please email us at:

Utrade Logo
Find it Here FIRST! CLICK HERE to go to San Antonio Area Metal Detector Club

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