Troop 70 meets weekly on monday nights at the Central Presbyterian Church in Geneseo, New York. We have a long and proud tradition of camping, service, and high adventure. We camp once a month, go hiking (usually 10 mile hikes for hiking merit badge), maintain a section of highway Rt.39 by picking up litter, and have worked on three restoration projects for the New York State Greenway.
This summer our Scoutmaster Jim Feuerstein will be leading a group of our older scouts to SEABASE (National Scout Camp) located in the Florida Keys. There they will sea kayak over to a private island where they will spend a week in the sun and fun.
Augst 6 - 12, 2000 the troop will be participationg in a week long summer camp experience at Camp Port-O-Ferry in the Adirondaks. The boys are looking forward to great swimming, canoeing, kayaking, wind surfing, archery, rock climbing, advancement and earning a pile of merit badges. ASM Kevin Powers is from the old Seaway Trail Council and went to Port-O-Ferry as a boy. Kevin gives it two thumbs up!! |
WOW!! The Iroquois Trails Council's service center is finally open in Batavia! Looking for uniform shirts, patches, handbooks, etc.? Try the new service center. 56 Harvester Avenue Batavia, New York 14020 (716) 343-0307 |