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- There is no charge for you to use our services -

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Let me tailor a hunting and/or fishing adventure to suit your needs.
Then have your trophies expertly mounted at my studio.

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Trevor Willis holding a true giant of a sambar stag's antlers, taken in the local area.  As a child I was fascinated in nature especially deer. This quality is today reflected in the detail and anatomical accuracy of my work.Over the past twenty years whilst performing taxidermy. I have been able to persue my passion as a trophy hunter. I have been fortunate to travel to no less than seven countries hunting. During those stays someof them for months at a time. I have met other artists and have been fortunate enough to study with them. It was on an extended stay in wyoming U.S.A. that I met a fellow taxidermist (now a good friend) he taught me some of the finer aspects of the art and I have never looked back. I have hundreds of satisfied clients to vouch for that!



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Contact Information

Below is the list of information on who to contact for information regarding sales and services.

National: 03 5754 5200
International:  61 3 5754 5200
National: 03 5754 5300
International: 61 3 5754 5300
Postal address
RMB 6782 Wodonga 3691 Victoria Australia
Electronic mail
For General Information, sales or custumer support please contact
Trevor Willis trevwill@netc.net.au

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 Hunting Society Link

Due to minor server problems the URL http://www.geocities.com/trevwill.geo may not show. If this problem persists use http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Forest/3036/index.htm
Thank you.

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hosted by Trevor Willis Taxidermy
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********SITE UPDATED 07/02/2007********