Sheila ndizhnikaaz.
(My name is Sheila.)
Wikwemikong doonjibaa. (I am from the Wikwemikong Unceded Indian
Wikwemikong (Bay of Beavers) is located on eastern end of Manitoulin Island, Ontario (in the middle of Lake Huron). You'll never see it on any American Map. It is about 3 hours east of Sault Ste Marie and 1 hour south of Espanola on Highway 6. Or, in the Spring, Summer and Fall you may take the Chi Cheemaun from Tobermory in the Bruce Peninsula (it is only a 1 and 3/4 hour ride).
Wikwemikong is home to Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi. And it is the largest Unceded Indian Reserve in Canada.
I am an Odawa/Ojibwe. I am married to
Raymond Madahbee and we have a son Nathan, who is 15 years old and in grade ten at White Pines School in Sault Ste Marie where we are currently residing. We also had a dog (Brutus) but he's gone to the spirit world now. Click on photo gallery to see more.
I've travelled west to the next Great Lake (Superior) to attend Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan. I graduated from the Forestry program, with a Bachelor of Science in Forestry. I also played hockey for the MTU Women's Hockey Club while I was there.
I am currently working for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. But I am always on the lookout for a Full-Time Permanent forestry position. I am interested in working in Forestry, Fish & Wildlife or bioenergy fields.
I have previously attended Sault College in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario in the Natural Resources program (Forestry & Renewable Resources). I have taught in the Aboriginal Resource Techncian Program (Aboriginal Land Management)and the Timber Operations Program (Wood Measurement) at Northern College in Kirkland Lake. I also teach an on-line course for Sault College. Wow, I never thought I would be a teacher.
I have also attended Loyalist College in Belleville, Ontario in the Radio Broadcasting program (1991).
I used to play in the Women's Hockey League (WHL)in Sault Ste Marie. I also organize the Woman's Division in the MNR Provincial Hockey tournament. The next tournament is goin to be March 2009 in London, Ontario.
As for the NHL, Go Leafs Go!!! The Leafs are going to make it all the way this year. Of course I say that every year!! Who's going to dream with me?
I have a new, safer hobby now. I am a accomplished Archer. I have participated in: the 2006 North American Indigenous Games in Denver Colorado, the 2007 Canadian National 3D Championships. I compete at the provincial level (Indoor, Outdoor Target, Field and 3D). I want to start coaching, and assist with coaching the NW team for the Ontario Summer Games.
As a Native person of North America (hence North American Indian) I enjoy travelling to pow wows, eating Indian Tacos and my favourite...the
Speaking of Bologna, my favourite newspaper cartoon is also called "Baloney and Bannock" drawn by my friend Perry McLeod as you can see below. You can catch these witty cartoons in the Anishinabek News every month. I think its high time to dedicate one whole page to "B and B".
Well I guess that's mostly everything. Check back again to see what's new. Or right now you can check out my LINKS page (Natural Resources, Hockey, Games, or more about me including my
last updated July 17 2008
Pagemaster: Sheila Madahbee K.
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