And Ruwayda, of course. But, nothing in life is free, as she soon discovered. So why don't you discover for yourself what I'm talking about?
For those of you who don't know us, and for those who do, but have forgotten what we look like, here's a clue...
We went to the Scotland-South Africa test match held at Murrayfield in Edinburgh on 21/11/1998. Here it is from our point of view...
Waydie's gone home and we've had our second set of visitors, Salie, Faiez, Ezzat and Marwaan. We took them on a tour of Edinburgh on the Sunday and this is what they saw...
They took themselves to Largs on Monday and this is what they had to show for it.
On Tuesday they went to Glasgow to do some serious shopping, if you can believe that, and on Wednesday they took a ferry to the Isle of Cumbrae.
The boys have left, and the house is very quiet now. These are the farewell pictures.
These are the first pictures of the new car.
These are some pictures of our first Eid in Scotland.
This was our first anniversary celebration, spent with our friends.
These are pictures we took of the kids when we went home in March.
These are family pictures taken at Eid and Easter.
We took some pictures of the athletics meeting at Greenpoint Stadium.
Sample our farewell at Cape Town airport.
We took a drive north to Inverary and Oban in search of snow.
We went south for the bank holiday weekend and stayed over in windermere in the Lake District.
We've been to the Wallace Monument and Stirling Castle.
Our first European city visited was...
This is the Abrahams/Allie/Mather/Moolla-visit link.
Some pictures of Ayesha and Riza.
Pictures of the Tall Ships event in Greenock.
We found a forest rally hosted by Colin McRae, featuring the new Ford Focus.
Then it was off to Knockhill for the 1999 BTCC leg.
Our next stop was Madrid, a wise and wonderful choice.
It's Rugby World Cup Time! We were at the SA-Scotland game, and also at the All Blacks-Scotland quarter-final. Well worth the cost of the tickets.
This is the Fredericks/Hendricks visit in October.
Nicole and Roger visited for Xmas.
There was a lull in our visitor quota until March, when the
Johnsons and Parkers came to stay.
The usual suspects in Glasgow.
The usual suspects in Edinburgh and at Vikingar.
Another visit to London.
A trip to the Lake District.
They went to Kelburn Country Park, something we've never even done!
The last weekend, and a final visit to Largs
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