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Joseph Whitworth Smith
Our Travel Adventure
My Blogs
Until we expand awareness, as far as we know from direct observation, the universe is no more than a vast clockworks mindlessly ticking away. Unless we expand awareness, America can't imagine what New Age reality means. As we move into the New Age, one can marvel at the discovery of a universe so vast it is beyond imagination, and to think, our’s is the only heavenly body we know anything about that supports life as we know it. The reality is that there are many ways the universe could have destroyed all life on Earth. Since, at the very least, we are rare in a universe that is hostile to life, rather than the concern we have with the mundane, it seems that our main concern should be finding our purpose in being.
     One of America’s most remembered Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson,  was a Deist. A deist is a realist.  A Deist is aware that religious beliefs must be founded on reason and observation of the natural world.  The expanded awareness of the cutting edge of quantum mechanics finds a dimension of infinite possibility. As observers, we turn possibility into reality.
     We are entering the Age of Aquarius, a New Age, a new reality. I’m Aquarius rising. The planet Uranus is on my ascendant. The planet Uranus is on the ascendant of the chart of America. Werner Heisenberg kicked off quantum mechanics with the publication of a scientific paper in September, 1925, the month and year of my birth. I’m a child of the New Age, a realist. A realist knows that it will take a grassroots movement to keep America’s values intact.      
The author happened by chance on  mind exercises that expand awareness to a new reality. His memoirs, Highway to the Stars, is a life journey that takes us to the threshold of a quantum leap forward.