Welcome to

Nelson's Name Scopes!

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Hi! My name is

a.k.a. - "Spiderman"


Here are some Holiday scopes. I'll be adding more soon.


4th of July

Valentine's Day

Xmas Scope

Happy New Year Scope

Do you want to see YOUR name in scopes?

Here are the names that I have made, so far. Please COPY the file to your server, using the convenient buttons I have included in each file.

I enjoy building scopes, and you are free to use any of my "creations", in any way you wish. All I ask is that you leave the "link back" to my site, intact - thanks!

This page is updated regularly. If, after reloading, you don't see your name listed - just fill out the request form, below! I will email you the URL of your scope - as soon as I finish making it!


File names in upper case letters (ABC...)
are in the larger and medium size.

File names in lower case letters (abc...)
are in the smaller size


**** REQUESTS ****
I will be making your scope with a link to my Spidey Source Viewer, for you to use the CCP (Cut/Copy/Paste) method for transferring the file, as well as a link to my Spidey Transloader, to transload your file -
the choice is yours!
Your Name
Name to be "Scoped"
Want me to use different colors?
Note: Choose one DARK color
(do not choose "BLACK") and one LIGHT color.
Dark color:
Light color:
Comments or Questions?

Please choose one:

Large (for web pages)

Medium (for e-mail sigs of less than 11 letters)

Mini (for e-mail sigs of more than 10 letters)

Thank you, again!


If you like my site, please vote for me below

This is another page of mine. It's my "Super F Keys".

Tons of helpful links!! "Alphabetized"


I've had a lot of people wanting to know how to make namescopes. Well, here's where I learned how!!


Other Scopes I've Made


Free-For-All Links

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