My Words
Game Center
Mpeg Movie
Doggy Wallpaper
Little Boys
Sammi Cheng diet
(Last updated)
Hello Everyone, Here is the place that I last updated. If you are interested, just take a look at what I did recently. 2006 Jan I had been really crazy for bowling since last June. Play bowling every Wed if I can. Only miss couple times only. ^_^ 2005 June Lately, I start to play bowling again and met a new group of friends. I'm so happy to know them and can play bowling every Wed night 2004 Haven't update my homepage for... 2 years? Specially after I moved to US and got married, I was always so busy... =P Anyway, lately, I will start to get more interested things for you all. One of them is a story post on net. There'll be a link soon. Have fun! 2002 Nov 16 I had delete a lot of stuffs inside my homepage, since I think I no more need that anymore. Please be a bit patient, since it's under construction right now. Thanks Hopefully, there will be new view of this homepage coming soon ^_^ 2001 Dec 08 - Are you a superstitious person? If you are, sure you have to visit the "Misun"... You will find a lot of intersted thing in there... Jan 18 - If you haven't check on "Little Boys"... you better check it... it's very funny. 2000 Aug 30 - Game Center with PC games, some funny Mpeg and cute stuff. Come in and check it out. Jan 16 - After New Year, I re-model my homepage... Mostly on ICQ skin page... check it out if you have time 1999 Nov 16 - My diary section is back again... =) Nov 15 - ICQ skin doing by myself.
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