Welcome to Troop 54's Home on the Web!!!

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Welcome to Troop 54's Homepage!

Troop 54 is based in Cortland, Ohio
Troop 54 is in the Greater Western Reserve Council
    Arrowhead District

The Bazetta-Cortland Optimist Club are our generous sponsors, and we thank them for all that they have done for us and our troop in general... with out them we would be nothing!

Before I made this web site, I looked at other troops' web sites to get ideas. They were all very helpful, but there was one thing that I found in most of them that I didn't like- They were rarely updated. I for one, will strive to maintain and update this site as much as possible.

CURRENT NEWS for 1/2/03

Happy New Year! Troop 54 is still alive and thriving, yet with a new generation. In the past two years, Troop 54 successfully graduated 5 Eagle Scouts, 1 with a Bronze Palm. These Eagles are or soon will be attending various institutions of higher education around Ohio and the surrounding area. We wish these scouts the best fortune in their ventures ahead.

Now, the new generation of Troop 54 is alive and kicking. They are young, eager, and steadfast on their Trail to the Eagle. They have embraced the challenges of an everchanging world and society, and even in their youth, strive to make the world a better and stronger place for mankind. We wish them all the best as they journey not only on the Trail to the Eagle, but on the trail of their own lives as well.


-I have added pictures of our snowmobiling campout earlier this year, you can view them and all the pictures here.


-Brian L. and Paul have received Eagle scout, and we have recently held their Court of Honor.  Congratulations to them.  The other 3 of us (Dan, Lee, and myself) are very close to Eagle.  Next year we are planning on getting some new scouts, which will hopefully keep the troop alive.  I'll keep you updated. 

-I have posted pictures from our summer camp adventure in Ohiopyle, PA.  Check them out here

-I have put a guest book on the page. Please sign it!! The link is above.

-We have returned from summer camp! I have made a page of all the happenings and how many merit badges evryone got and stuff like that. Check it out here. Once the pictures we took get developed and I eventually get themm scanned in, I'll be sure to post them.

-Check out the contacts section which I just put up. It has phone numbers and such of people you should contact if you would like to join our troop and more info about our troop in general.

-You can get a (somewhat) detailed look at what we're doing in the troop calendar

-If there are any second year webelos out there in the Cortland or Warren area that would like to stop by one of our meetings, be sure to drop us a line! Or, check out our contacts area. We would love to have you!

Wanna see what the weather is in Cortland Ohio? Click here.

Always be Prepared
Stop by our legal stuff.
This page was last edited (updated)-01/02/03 11:38 AM
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