A History of Senior Scouting Programs in the BSA

This site is dedicated to recording this various "Senior Scouting" Programs (for those 13/14 and older) in the Boy Scouts of America.  Since its establishment in 1910, many such programs have come and gone.  Here we try to give a history of these programs, what they were about, and their insignia, uniforms, literature, and more.


Topics covered: Senior Scouts, Seascouts/Sea Scouts/Sea Explorers/Sea Scouts, Rover Scouts, Air Scouts/Air Explorers/Aviation Exploring, Explorer Scouts, Explorers, Exploring, Senior Scouts/Explorers in Troops,  Senior Degree Honor Society, Emergency Service, Leadership Corps, Varsity Scouts, Venture/Varsity, Venturing, LFL/Exploring

Quartermaster Award, SS-22 Air Explorer Ace Medal, AE-15 Explorer Scout Ranger Medal, ES-24 Explorer Silver Medal, Type 2, EX-44
??? Sea Scout Quartermaster Awards Since 1924 723 Air Scout/Air Explorer Ace Awards Earned 1942-54 2782 Explorer Scout Ranger Awards Earned 1944-49 18047 Explorer Silver Awards Earned 1949-64
Explorer Achievement Award, version 2 Explorer GOLD Award Venturing Silver Award Venturing Ranger Award
2304 Explorer Achivement Awards Earned 1981-95
402 Explorer GOLD Awards Earned 1995-98
??? Venturing Silver Awards Earned Since 1998 ??? Venturing Ranger Awards Earned Since 1998

Site Updated: 6/14/2005 see the Updates page for details.
Number of Visitors since 10/21/99: 

Updated: 3/05/2002mrb

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