Pictures of John taken 9-26-04
These pics were taken at 1 megapixal and are about 500k each.
For smaller versions of these pics for faster loading, see the Yahoo photo album link below.
Pictures of John taken 11-08-04
These pics were taken at 1 megapixal and are about 500k each.
For smaller versions of these pics for faster loading, see the Yahoo photo album link below.
John's Yahoo photo album with other pictures
What John has had to endure since his arrest in mid-June
News articals relating to John's case
Poem Dedicated to John by Dahlie Bragg (our Aunt "T.D.")
John's Court Hearing on 6-16-05
John just turned 22 - Update written by our Mom
John would appreciate all the mail he can get.
He has been moved to Pendleton.
His address is:
DOC 128761 K5-4-3
P.O. BOX 30
PENDLETON, IN 46064-9001
You may want to bookmark this page and check it occasionally. I will update it when I can.
This page created and maintained by Andy Naylor.