FACES from Macedonia |
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Beginning on May 8, 1999, I spent one week in the refugee camps in northern Macedonia. While there I took pictures and wrote several articles to complete my master's degree at Ohio University. The pictures and stories of the refugees and those who help them survive are below. |
Kids play games in the "Israeli School," a special area staffed by volunteers from Israel who lead games and put on a skit once a day. |
Eli, left, gives Hyra a hug. Hyra was worried that Eli, who speaks a form of Serbian, would be mad that her sons are in the KLA. |
Children at Play Just 1 hour of school a day |
Old and Alone Except for Each Other |
The Stankovac refugee camp has over 3,000 tents, each with a family in it. But there is one very special tent for those with no family... |
Dusty clothes have replaced muddy boots at tent doors, as spring rains give way to summer sun. Boys shoot marbles and girls jump rope... |
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More Pictures 2 |
This refugee family of 14 lives in a three-room house just outside of Skopje, Macedonia. |
A mother with her new-born baby at the German Red Cross hospital at Stankovac I. |
Medical situation stable Psych care more pressing |
Host Family Takes in 30 "Serbians good, Regime bad" |
The four helicopters roared away, carrying off Javier Solanas, the secretary-general of NATO. Having spent the day at Cegrane, I needed a ride back to Skopje. I found two brothers who spoke broken English at best... |
After being swamped with medical patients during the first month of the refugee crisis in northern Macedonia, the volunteer organizations at the Stankovac refugee have the situation under control... |
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Cegrane, left, is in a mountainous Albanian area. The fence isn't even completed. Stankovac 1, right, is heavily guarded and has little room for recreation or privacy. |
Camps Vary Greatly Fate decides conditions |
Surviving on Fish And waiting to get on living |
Which camp you're placed in will determine many things, including the circumstances you live under and even whether you get assigned to a third country... |
Opinion: At first glance life is normal inside Stankovac I, but the people aren't living. They're bored out of their mind and want to get the heck out... |
Click below to view some of my clips from the Associated Press: |
Features |
News |
Financial |
Bill Threatens Web Anonymity |
LVMH Year-End Financials |
French Flock to Internet for Groceries |
Boston Pops Plays Under Eiffel Tower |
Anti-Racism Group Sues Yahoo! |
Eurotunnel Year-End Financials |
Résumé |
Abandoned Russian Sailors Stuck at Port |
Three-Way Aluminum Merger Fails |
Let me know you what you think. jstraziuso@yahoo.com |