© Sjoerd van eeden Y2K

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We got married at the 26th of October 2001 and friday 14th of june 2002 our first child, Ilse was born in the hospital of Basel. She was 3120 gram and 47 cm long.
To see the first pictures click below:
Ilse Femke van Eeden

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Hi, my name is Sjoerd van Eeden, at this moment living in Riehen (Switzerland). A small town situated close to Basel central in western europe (Rhine valley), with on the north side the Black Forest, northwest the Vogesen and south of Basel the Jura. Geographically a interesting area for hiking, photography, climbing and in winter cross country skiing. Some time ago we discovered snowshoe hiking as the ultimate transport for photographers in snow.

Originally from Holland I moved in 1996 to Basel, joining Aletta Karsies, who started her PhD. in plant Molecular virology half a year before at the Friedrich Miescher institute. My job at the FMI includes growing plants for experiments, experiments in the greenhouses and communication between the researchers and gardeners. I assist also the IT-Group by keeping people happy with their computers and the network. Since 1998 I organize the use of phytotrons and phytoboxes between the researchers and students from the different plantgroups and solving problems within this field. It's a interesting job with need for flexibility and fingerspitzen gefuhl.
I have too many hobbies like photography, collecting cameras, mountaineering, rock climbing, computers and playing darts, to see more just follow my links below. soon more pictures !!!!!! 04-03 Family picture in the Alps My sisters family, Aletta and I went for a weekend hike in 1998. We stayed overnight in hotel Schwarenbach and hiked over Schwarzgrätli and Tälliseeli to the Tälliglacier and back via Daubensee. The picture was taken at Alt. 2600 meters crossing from one valley to the other.

The 20th of June 2000 Vitaly and I left Basel for a trip to Ukraine. Lviv (Pop. 1.000.000)in Ukraine. From there we'll travelled over Ternopil (Pop. 200.000) to Kremenets (Pop. 20.000). Hiking and travelling around made me shooting 12 roles of slidefilms. Pictures and info about it in the link below.

My picture links

pilatus trip

New! We climbed the Pilatus on saturday June 23rd, and made many pictures with our new digital photocamera. Have a look there!
The purple line shows our way to the top.
Mushrooms Ukraine Hiking Work Swiss open 2000
Swiss open 2001 Photoghaphy and Camera's Alpine flowers Swiss webcams

To keep up this site I use freeware HTML-editor "EasyHTML"
The panorama pictures move with the help of a javascript .class file "JavaAppletDownloadServer"
The copyright of all photographs used at this site is mine. It is not allowed to use my pictures without permission. ©Sjoerd van Eeden, Basel y2k

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