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Kickapoo Trace Muzzleloaders

Kickapoo Trace has been the muzzleloading club in the Waynesville, St. Robert, Dixon, Fort Leonard Wood area of Missouri for over twenty years. Membership includes families, men, women, and the kids. Civilians, active and retired military.
The object of our club is to encourage organized blackpowder rifle and pistol shooting with a view toward a better knowledge of safe handling and proper care of muzzleloading firearms, as well as improved marskmanship. Another object of the club is to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self discipline, team play, and self reliance which are the essentials of good sportsmanship and the foundation of true patriotism. A final objective of the club is to foster reverence of our past heritage through buckskinning and rendezvous activities.
Club activities include:
Meeting first Sunday each month. Newsletter follows.
"Some Members in Costume - Jan 2000"
Monthly competition, First Sunday of each month." Meat Shoot "
Annual Gun Show and Trade Fair in January.
Mountain Man Gathering at Old Settler's Day festivities in July.
Kickapoo Trace Muzzleloaders go to rendezvous all around Missouri.
Our range is open all the time.
Club Members represent many years of experience in all phases of blackpowder shooting. It doesn't matter if you shoot flint or percussion. Traditional Patched ball, buffalo bullets or sabots, black powder or pyrodex, but sorry No In-Lines
Kickapoo Trace is for you.
We have approximately eighty-eight acres of land and are building a club house (log cabin). We held our first annual rendezvous on our property in September 98, the rendezvous/squirrel hunt is held the last full weekend of the mouth September.

Come check us out and bring the family.
Want to learn about muzzleloading firearms ??
Want to relive pre-1840's fur trade era ??
Or just want someplace to shoot your muzzleloader ??

e-mail: Talk To Us

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