Welcome to The Shadowthorn Inn.

This is me at the Ohio Renaissance Farie.

Good den M'Lord's and Lady's. I bid thee welcome to
The Shadowthorn Inn.

Within this area you will find information on Renaissance Fair's
and related topics. I will endeavor to provide information on, or links
to information on such topics as Arm's and Armor. Period
Costuming or Garb as it is called. Information for the Fair's
that I attend and links to Fair's around the country. Links to
the Internet homes of people I know from the various Faire's that
I attend as well as people that I have come to know from the News
Group Alt. Fairs-Renasance. I will also provide those links
I can find of merchants who sell Ren-Faire related items. It is
my hope that you enjoy what I have created.
Robbin Shadowthorn

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