The founding date of the Adventurous Takasaki Hash House Harrier s
and Harriettes was on 30th May, 1999.
I started runnin g with Penang Hash House Harriers (PH3) in November 1995.
In 1996 I was voted onto the committee to organize the annual run for '96,
which 600 Hashers joined.I ran on a weekly basis from Nov '95 t o June '97,
when I went back home to Germany.
In July '9 8 I joined Penang Hash House Harriers and Harriettes (PH4),
which split from (PH3).
I run with them when I am on holiday (my wife is from Penang, her hash name
is 'Natalie Honey')about 4 times a y e ar for 2-3 weeks, and I also still run
as a guest wit h PH4.
On 30th May, 1999 I founded a new Hash Club in Takasaki, Gunma Prefecture, Japan.
In Gunma there were no Hash Clubs, the nearest being Ibaraki, Tochigi and Tokyo.
We run once a month on Sundays around noon. All our members are totally
newcomers t o Hash. We have visitors from other Hash chapters.
The minimum number of runners was 7, the maximum 20, the average is now
about 15 and slowly increasing.
The person who helped me the most to start th e chapter was our Vice-GM Chris Tarn,
his Hash name is 'No Name Chris'. Also good supporters are our Hash Cash 'The Chef'
and our On Sex 'Black Beauty'.
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