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Almost all photos by Chris C.

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Tyke Hike 7/01

Camping in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 7/00

Chris, Lee and Hannah at Salmon Lake, MT 7/00

Rachel in MT 7/00

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What's Going On

Hannah July 4, 2002

July 2005: Dance recital pictures

August 2002: Summer pictures!

July 2001Tyler and Chris went on a 4 night backpacking trip with the Boy Scouts in the Cascades to some small "alpine" lakes.

April 2001The big news is that we're in the process of moving to another house not too far away. It'll have a lot more room and a bigger yard - 1/2 acre!.

December 2000:Chris and Rachel went to the Pacific Northwest Ballet's Nutcracker in Seattle for the second year. Chris and Tyler went to the Seahawks - Broncos game at Husky Stadium. It rained the entire game.