Cub Scout Pack 820


West Covina, California



Information about Pack-820

Pack Events - Take a look at some of the activities we are planning.

DEN NEWS come here for news about individual dens!

Click Calendar to see what's happening each month. This includes the Pack Meeting information, i.e., which den is responsible for the flag ceremony/service/invocation, skit/song, snacks or door prizes. This section is divided by months. You can go to a particular month to view all pack activities.

Pack Meetings - click on Calendars (above) to access this info.

Important Announcements - Check here for any important information you might have missed.

Newsletter - If you forgot to pick-up a newsletter at the last Pack meeting, this is the place to go.

Favorite Songs and other miscellaneous tidbits.

E-mail us with your questions, comments, concerns, or things you would like to see added to this site.


Last updated on September 1, 2002.