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Cuba Adventure
BVI Bareboat Vacation
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            16-19-23_small.jpg (60256 bytes) <- Click to enlarge a neat picture of a 16,19 & 23. 

Welcome to our little personal sailing site!  You are visitor #             

This site is contains a collection of pictures from some of our personal archieves, mostly of sailing on various Com-Pac sailboats we've owned over the years.  In addition there are some pictures from our sail to Cuba in May of 1998 and our recent bareboat sail in the British Virgin Islands(May 1999).

If you're interested in or currently own a Com-Pac sailboat, check out the Com-Pac Owner's Association web site.   There's a mailing list you can join to converse with other Com-Pac owners.

Have a look around our site and feel free to drop us an e-mail with your comments.

This page was last updated on 01/19/00.  

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