Welcome to the Arizona Shed Antler Club ©

Awesome set of Coues Whitetail sheds

More info on them comming soon!

The Arizona Shed Antler Club was started by a few dedicated shed hunters who wanted a club that would provide record keeping for sheds found in Arizona. The club will also lobby the Arizona Game and Fish to make sure that it will always be legal to pick up sheds and lion killed bucks in Arizona. If you are a dedicated shed hunter, official scorer or just a hunter who has found some sheds, please come join the Arizona Shed Antler Club. Interested in Joining our growing club?

E-mail us at azshedclub@geocities.com

The Arizona Shed Antler Club is now accepting shed antler entries for the year 2002.  If you have a shed antler you would like to have scored and entered into the Arizona Shed Antler Records books, please contact me @ (520)751-8823.  Also If you have any pictures or stories for our next newsletter, please submit them to azshedclub@geocities.com.

Receive a

copy of our Spring

2002 Newsletter

6 pages full of color pictures,

stories, and current record



Shed Photos

Arizona Shed Records

Membership Application

Shed Talk Forum

Official Scorers


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This Campsite on the
Hunting Trail
hosted by Arizona Shed Antler Club
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The Arizona Hunting Trail
This Campsite on the
Arizona Hunting Trail hosted by Arizona Shed Antler Club

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This site and its contents are Copyright © 1999, 2000,2001, & 2002 Arizona Shed Antler Club. All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part, in any form or medium, without the express written permission of Arizona Shed Antler Club is prohibited.