Champion, Canadian Champion & New Zealand Champion
Remporter Amstar
OutfoxU (Imp
Owned by G
& S Behrend Ont. Canada, handlers John Glover and
Elaine Paquette
Bitch and Runner Up Best of Breed - Royal Adelaide
Show Sept 07 * Baby Puppy in Show -
Schnauzer Club of SA,
Championship Show, Sept 08 * Great Successes
in Cat Section at 2008 Royal Adelaide Show - 5 major awards
and still counting!! Best
Scottish Fold Entire, Best and Reserve Best Scottish Shorthair Neuter,
Scottish Shorthair or Longhair Entire and Best Scottish or British
Kitten * New Grand Champion June
2008 * New Boarding Cattery Opened
* Litter of 5
born May 2008 * Challenge
Bitch and Runner Up Best of Breed, Reserve Challenge Bitch, State Bred
in Show
and Australian Bred in Show - Schnauzer Club
of SA, Championship Show Feb 08 * Scottish and British
Kittens Born, December 2007 * New Schnauzer Champion,
December 2007 * Five Major Awards
including Best Group 4 Entire and Best Group 4 Kitten at the Governing Council
of the Cat Fancy 2007 End of Year Awards, December 2007
* Runner Up Best
in Group, Adelaide Plains Kennel Club, Championship Show, December 2007
* New Gold
Bouble Grand Champion and Bronze Double Grand Champion Cats, November
2007 * Runner Up Best in Group,
Pt Pirie Kennel Club, Championship Show, October 2007 * Best of Breed
and Runner Up Best of Breed - Schnauzer Club of SA,
Championship Show, Sept 07 * Great Successes
in Cat Section at 2007 Royal Adelaide Show - 5 major awards
* Challenge
Bitch and Runner Up Best of Breed - Schnauzer Club
of Victoria, Championship Show Sept 07
* Reserve
Challenge Bitch, Royal Melbourne Show Sept 07
* New Schnauzer
Champion- September 2007