This site was last updated on
  Oct. 13, 2002
To Cliffhanger321s web page of rappelling, camping,  hiking, prospecting, and metal detecting.
Welcome!  I've always been into the great outdoors whether it was camping, hiking, rappelling, mountain biking, gold prospecting, ghost towning or treasure hunting. So, please look at some of my pictures and enjoy yourself.  I try to add new material regularly to keep my site fresh, so check back often!

Please sign my guest book at the bottom of the page.
These pictures were taken out side of Las Vegas New Mexico.
  The people in the photos are Mike Robison, Jeff Jacobs (Jake) and Myself.
Jake and I are hooking up for the first rappel
<--Kevin "The Cliffhanger" Garner
in action
Mike and I hopping down. -->
Here I am going down aussie style
This is Jake--->
<-- the head rush
Mike hanging around.----->
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