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This website contains links to wildlife and
outdoor recreation sites. Please explore.
Geographic Information Systems (Penn
State Links)
Wildlife Links and Issues (USFWS
Family and

Klamath River Basin
(Courtesy USFWS)
here to see a picture of me when
I was a student at
UMass-Amherst studying Wildlife
Conservation and Management (1995).
Go here to read more and get a brief bio about who I am
and what my interests are. There is a copy of my resume
If you are a conservation nut, you
may want to bookmark the US Fish
and Wildlife's's a link. Get on
their list-server to be updated on happenings within the
Agency as well as the Department of Interior.
Visit my
Charter homepage with vacation links and pics
Please send
me an email or sign my guestbook if you have any links,
suggestions, or opinions
you'd like to express.
Email me here:
go to my Guest book and SIGN IN!
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This site
was born on 07/17/99.
Last updated on 09/08/2004.
for visiting
come back soon