Hello and welcome to:

"Nature is the Art of God." Dante

No big deal or hidden agenda here.....just a place to show my photos and to hear from and communicate with others who share this common interest. Please take a moment and let me know what you think of the site, or share your favorite place to take pictures, or a favorite subject matter. My name is Tom and I'm located in Kansas City, Ks. Colorado and Yellowstone are two of my favorite destinations for photo trips. Most of my images were made using a Bronica SQ-A with a normal or portrait lens which makes for a challenge when it comes to photographing wildlife. Certainly it would be nice at times to be shooting a 35mm equipped with a telephoto lens, but the medium format and its larger square negative does have it's advantages. Some of the early images were taken with my trusty old Canon A-1. Enjoy the site. Hope to hear from you.

Long's Peak Hike


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Webfoot's Image Award for Excellence in Outdoor Photography

A special thanks to Webfoot for this award.

Click Here!
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Please send mail to:

All photos copyright Tom Jorgensen

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