My name is Michael Heerema and I'm from New Jersey.
I graduated in '98 from
Calvin College,
in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with a
B.S. degree in Recreation, specializing in Therapeutic Recreation. I currently work with Greg Tanzer Sprinklers as a sprinkler mechanic. The office phone # is: 201-797-1624.
My interests include:
Heres's some fun links:
Me playing guitar (38 sec.)
I've created these pages as a means of expression
primarily for myself and possibly for family and friends.
I apologize if you've been directed here accidently from a search.
wake-boarding and water-skiing,
Stay tuned for more sound.wav additions!
A trip through California
Trip to Costa Rica (under construction)
Cruise into the Caribbean
I sold it and bought a '94 Honda CBR600f2.
click here to view wheelies
"In wildness is the preservation of the world."
--Henry David Thoreau
In the meantime, email me at:
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