Announcement from (Oct. 13, 2000)
The 2001 National Scout Jamboree Official merchandise catalog will be available to all registered
participants and staff in February. In order to provide everyone with an equal opportunity to get what they want, we will start taking orders March 1st. A listing of available items will be posted at in December.
For those Jamboree buffs that just have to have something now to promote the Jamboree, we have a special selection of items under the theme, "Meet Me at the Hill". These items are NOT restricted to participants and staff, so everyone can enjoy a little Jamboree spirit. You can even order custom patches, T-shirts, and other items with this logo NOW. A complete list of stock items will be posted here in November. You can purchase "Meet Me" merchandise through your local Distributors and Scout Shops, or by calling 1-800-323-0732.
15th National Boy Scout Jamboree! |
The 2001 National Boy Scout Jamboree will be held at Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia, from July 23 to August 1, 2001. This 15th national gathering -- the first of the new millenium! --
is being planned for about 37,000 participants - 30,400 Scouts and leaders in 760 troops, plus some 6,600 staff members. The Jamboree is a "must-do" event for every Scout!
At an Eagle board of review a recent Philmont Scout Ranch returnee was asked about the most exciting thing he had done as a Scout. His reply, much to everyone's surprise, was, "The National Scout Jamboree."
This will be the sixth consecutive jamboree held at Ft. A. P. Hill, a 76,000 acre U.S. Army facility. Jambo 2001 comes 64 years after the first jamboree held in Washington, D.C., in 1937.
If you have not yet experienced the Jambo thrill as a Scout or Scout leader, then don't miss Jambo 2001! If you have been before, we know you will be back. To find out more about this incredible activity talk to former Jambo Scouts and leaders.
In January or February all Jamboree participants will be receiving a certificate good for 15% off all of their personal purchases at the Scout Shop.
Full Class "A" Uniform for:
Travel & Sightseeing
Dinner Meals at Jambo
Arena Shows
Other Formal Occasions
Scout shirt (tan only)
(3 recommended, or required,
depending on your troop) with:
Jamboree patch *
Jamboree JSP **
Troop numeral **
U.S. Flag
World Crest
Rank patch
Patrol patch
Any earned knots
Arrow of Light (if applicable)
Interpreter Strip (if applicable)
Position patch
Trained patch
Nameplate #
Red epaulets
Temporary patch
No Quality Unit patch
Jamboree neckerchief # (will receive this at Ft. A.P. Hill -- before we arrive each troop will designate its own official neckwear)
Troop woggle (neckerchief slide)
Jamboree ball cap
Scout shorts (any official shorts) (2-3 recommended)
Scout belt (leather or webbed)
Scout socks (any official red top socks)
Proper & comfortable closed-toe shoes
Red nylon water-repellent jacket (optional)
Class "B" Field Uniform at all other times:
Jamboree ball cap or bucket hat
Troop or Jambo t-shirt (designated daily)
Scout shorts only!
Scout socks only!
Scout belt
Proper & comfortable closed-toe shoes
Only Scout-related clothing or Scout suitable clothing will be allowed! No school logo clothing, no clothing with political statements or anything controversial, no commercial logos, etc. If you have to ask if it's appropriate, then it's probably not.
The official uniform must be worn during travel, sightseeing, arena shows, dinner meals, and other formal occasions.
* - 2 provided as part of your Jamboree fee
** - 3 provided as part of your Jamboree fee
# - 1 provided as part of your Jamboree fee
To be eligible Boy Scouts or Varsity Scouts must be First Class rank and have either completed the sixth grade or be age 12 by July 1, 2001, and not age 18 by August 2, 2001 (Note: this was originally stated by national as September 1, 2001). To experience Jambo at its fullest, twelve year olds should be mature for their age.
Other requirements include: participating in the pre-jambo training experience (troop meetings and campout), filing a Personal Health and Medical Record Form Class 3, No. NSJ-34412-01, being active in a troop or crew for at least six months before July 1, 2001, be approved by your Scoutmaster or Varsity Scout Coach, and be approved by the local council jamboree committee.
Adult Troop Leader Requirements
Youth Applications Now Available |
It's not too late to sign up! The Atlanta Area Council is currently filling slots for a fourth troop. This troop will have 36 youth positions. It is almost full so don't delay -- get your application in now!
Boy Scout and Varsity Scout Jamboree applications are now available from the council service center (Form No. NSJ-102-01). In addition to the application there is a Local Council Jamboree Information Sheet and the Participant Statement of Understanding and Code of Conduct (which must be agreed to by every participant).
Details regarding the Atlanta Area Council trip are as follows:
July 20 - August 1, 2001
The Atlanta Area Council jamboree contingent will leave early morning on July 20th and fly to Washington, D.C., where we will start touring our nation's capitol.
While in Washington ample time will be allowed to tour the Smithsonian Institute, the White House, and many more of the federal offices, such as the FBI and the Capitol. On July 22nd we will travel to Colonial Williamsburg. We will leave for the Jamboree on July 23rd.
We will camp at the Jamboree until the morning of August 1st when we will return to Washington, D.C., for the return flight to Atlanta.
The jamboree is open to all who are qualified on a first-come basis. After our troops have been filled a standby list of alternates will be established. Scouts will be assigned to a Jamboree troop consisting of 36 Scouts and four adult leaders. You will be a member of a patrol within the troop. The council contingent will consist of 4 troops (144 youth and 16 adults).
(for new applicants only):
Reservation Fee - $50 due with application
First Payment - $625.00 due December 15, 2000
Second Payment - $312.50 due February 1, 2001
Final Payment - $312.50 due April 1, 2001
Reservation Fee - $50 due with application
First Payment - $250.00 due July 31, 2000
Second Payment - $250.00 due September 15, 2000
Third Payment - $250 due December 15, 2000
Fourth Payment - $250.00 due February 1, 2001
Fifth & Final Payment - $250.00 due April 1, 2001
The Jamboree fee covers all transportation, tours, admission fees, meals, lodging, and patrol and troop equipment, as well as insurance. Your fee also covers the training camp before the Jamboree. The only additional expense will be your personal equipment, uniforms, souvenirs, spending money, and any additional items your troop may elect to purchase, such as troop t-shirts.
If you sign up for the Jamboree and then find that you cannot attend, you will receive a full refund from the Atlanta Area Council only if there is an alternate to take your place.
In the event there is not an alternate, a partial refund may be made depending on expenses related to contractual agreements made on your behalf.
Two Official Patches -- First Time Ever! |
For the first time ever there will be two official jamboree patches. A red bordered patch is for participants and junior staff under 18 years of age, while a gold bordered patch will be for participants over 18 and adult staff members.
These patches may be worn by registered participants and staff only. If you visit the Jamboree there will be a different patch for sale in the trading posts. This one may be worn by anyone as a temporary patch over the right breast pocket.
Youth Patch
Adult Patch
Each participant will receive two patches. The first patch will be distributed in January or February, 2001, but only if you are current with your fee payments!

Troop 1523 JSP
One of seven 2001 Atlanta Area Jamboree Patches
Click here to see all the patches!
Send In Your Staff Application Now! |
2001 National Jamboree Staff Applications Are Now Available!
If your son is planning to go to the Jamboree, you should consider volunteering for a staff position, so you may share the experience. Some staff positions are limited, so if you have a particular skill or interest, you should apply early. For a Jamboree application
contact your local BSA council.
Or download and complete the Jamboree Staff Application (NSJ-104-01). Submit four copies of the application along with your non-refundable deposit ($100 for adults / $50 for youth). Make your check payable to "Boy Scouts of America".
All staff applications MUST be sent to your local council for approval. Do not send any directly to National.
Get your staff app here! (.pdf file)
The staff application requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to be installed on your computer. Get it now!
Adult staff members must have been born before July 23, 1980. Youth staff must have been born between August 1, 1980 and July 23, 1985. All staff must be registered BSA members.
Examples of areas with staff positions are: action centers (shooting sports, motocross, rapelling, buckskin games, etc.), fishing, scuba and swimming, trading posts, arena shows, food services, media and communications, medical, security, and many more.
Action center staff will live and eat in the closest subcamp.
There are still positions available, but if you have a particular job in mind, you may already be too late - many staffs are full. Final assignments are being made as you read this. Needs are: food service (50 positions); trading posts (80); band (40); exhibits (30). Because of the formation of new subcamp 20, there are numerous subcamp and some region positions now available. There may also be some Action Center openings for the Southern Region.
As of December 31, 2000, the Director of Jamboree Trading Post Services indicated a need for 100 more staff members. Call Sue Carl at 1-800-323-0732 ext. 407 for an application.
The 2001 National Scout Jamboree Council Jamboree Guide says that regarding staff appointments, "The plan is to recruit 25 percent of the staff by October, 1999; 50 percent by May, 2000; 75 percent by October, 2000; and the balance of the staff by February, 2001."
Once selected for a staff job you will an LOA (Letter of Appointment) from the professional advisor in charge of your area. They should let you know who the volunteer head of your area is. Questions about your job, when you have to arrive, time off, where you will live and eat, should be directed towards them.
ALL ADULT STAFF must have had Youth Protection Training within two years of the Jamboree; all youth staff will receive the training at the site.
Don't wait -- submit your application now!.
If it has been a while since you submitted your staff application and have not yet received confirmation of your acceptance, you should check with your local council office to find out when your app was approved and forwarded. If it seems appropriate you can contact National directly. The main telephone number is (972) 580-2000. Ask for the Jamboree Division. The direct number is (972) 580-2078. Ask for Ronell Jones. Email
Ronell. Good luck!
Subject: Looking for a Jamboree Staff Position???
From: Benjamin Pharr
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001
Are you looking for a Jamboree staff position??? Are you in the
Order of the Arrow? Do you love the outdoors? Do you like to share
your passion for the outdoors with others? Then TOAP is the job for
you at the 2001 National Scout Jamboree. TOAP stands for The Outdoor
Adventure Place.
We have a campsite where we demonstrate every kind of cooking
imaginable as well as display backpacking stoves, tents, and other
camping equipment from both National and other vendors. We have
challenge activities such as tire swings, cargo nets, and team
building exercises. We'll have representatives from the National
Outdoor Leadership School and many government agencies teaching a
course on Leave No Trace. We have a scoutcraft skills area that
teaches practical pioneering, first aid, orienteering, and many other
skills. We'll also have demos and displays on everything from bike
camping to kayaking to winter camping. The entire TOAP area is run
by the Order of the Arrow, and, most importantly, youth.
We are still flexible enough that we can add an area if you have
expertise in an area and would like to teach it, but time is running
out. You have to sign up now. We have positions open for both youth
and adults. Get a staff application and fill it out, listing "TOAP"
as your first choice. Get your scout executive's signature and send
it directly to Clyde Mayer at the National Office. E-mail me when
you send it in and we'll take care of the rest. Please let us know
if you have any specialties you'd like to teach for us. Please
e-mail me at if you have any questions. Thanks!
Ben Pharr
What Does the Jambo Cost? |
Participants and Adult Staff: $495 (plus any applicable
fees described below)
Youth Staff: $245 (plus any applicable fees described below)
Payment Schedule
Due By
$100 (Non-refundable)
Feb. 1, 2000
August 1, 2000
Balance Due
Balance Due
Feb. 1, 2001
Transportation, equipment and sightseeing costs will add approximately $500-$1,000 (or more) depending on your itinerary and place of originating travel.
The total cost for Atlanta Area Council Jamboree troop members will be $1,300. For specific details click here.
-- If You Are In the Atlanta Area Council -- |
The Atlanta Area Council has selected the contingent troop leadership and has begun the implementation stage of its Jamboree planning. Troop Contingent Leader is Larry Chase, North Fulton District Chairman and ASM for 1997 Jamboree Troop 1707.
Terry Graham is the 2001 National Jamboree AAC Chairman. Other council leaders are: Al Friel, Chairman of Equipment Transportation committee; John Jenkins, Chairman of Equipment committee; Emory Mulling, Chairman of Personnel committee; Bion Jones, Coordinator of Jamboree Leadership Training committee.
The Council has been assigned four troops. Each troop will be composed of 36 Scouts and 4 adult leaders (one of whom will be an ASM between the ages of 18 and 21).
Troop numbers are 1522, 1523 and 1524. They will be located in subcamp 15. The last troop will be numbered 2019, and located in subcamp 20.
Jambo 2001 will be an international experience for the Atlanta troops. We have been assigned 8 Scouts and a leader from Sweden. These Scouts will be assigned to each of our troops. So brush up on your Swedish.
Vi ses på Jambo!
Scouts must complete a "Boy Scout/Varsity Scout Application" form (NSJ-102-01) and submit it to the Atlanta Area Council for approval. Application forms are now available at district roundtables, the council program center, and from district executives.
It's not too late to sign up! While the first three troops have been filled, the council is currently filling slots for a fourth troop. This troop will have 36 youth positions. It is almost full so don't delay -- submit your application today!
Adults interested in serving as troop leaders (not Jamboree staff) must submit a Preliminary Adult Leader Application to the Council office. Forms are currently available at District Roundtables, the Council Program Office, from District Executives, and in The Promise. Qualified candidates will be interviewed by members of the Council Jamboree Selection Committee.
After selection committee interviews and based on the requirements listed below, the troop leadership was selected and held its first meeting on Wednesday, September 6, 2000, with monthly meetings held on the second Wednesday of every month.
Here are the leaders already assigned:
Troop 1522: Peter Voorhees, SM, Ken Lloyd, 1SA, Jon Uphouse, 2SA, and David Lindquist, 3SA
Troop 1523: Frank Mills, SM, Earl Owens, 1SA, Kevin Murphy, 2SA, and Andrew Miller, 3SA
Troop 1524: Tom Stow, SM, Geoff Coleman, 1SA, Jerry Neidert, 2SA, and John Paul Remorenko, 3SA
Troop 2019: Gary McClanahan, SM, Tom Morin, 1SA, Craig Barnwell, 2SA, and Chris Moultrie, 3SA
Following are the requirements for each adult position:
All adult leaders must: Have served actively in an adult troop leadership position for at least one year during the three year period prior to July 1, 2001; participate in the "Jamboree '01" prejamboree training experience, file a personal health and medical record prior to the prejamboree training, participate in the Youth Protection Training for volunteer leaders, and be approved by the local council.
Scoutmaster: Have served as Scoutmaster for at least one year during the three year period prior to July 1, 2001; have completed Boy Scout Leader Fast Start and Scoutmastership Fundamentals, No. 34550. (Although not required, Wood Badge and/or Scoutmaster's Key is a desirable qualification.) The Scoutmaster must be able to serve as a role model of physical fitness.
First Assistant Scoutmaster: Same qualifications as Scoutmaster.
Second Assistant Scoutmaster: At least 21 years of age by July 1, 2001.
Third Assistant Scoutmaster: At least 18 years of age (but not have reached 21) by July 1, 2001.
For answers to any questions regarding applications and procedures, call the Council Program Center at (404) 577-4811.
For those of you seeking specific Jamboree information, the 2001 National Scout Jamboree Council
Jamboree Guide and the promotion video, A Scout's Odyssey, are already in your council office.
Additional jamboree guidebooks will be released according to the following schedule:
Transportation and Tour Guide
January, 2000
Public Relations Guide
January, 2000
Health and Safety Guide
February, 2000
Staff Guide
June, 2000
Troop Leader Guide
July, 2000
Subcamp Operations Guide (new)
September, 2000
Scout Participation Guide
March, 2001
Menu and Cooking Guide
April, 2001
Jamboree bulletins will be mailed monthly beginning January, 2000.
To view the monthly Jamboree bulletins go to the
Scenic Trails Council web site (Adobe .pdf format) or the
Mississippi Valley Council web site (.html format and indexed by subject).
Who May Attend the Jamboree? |
Jamboree participation is only for members of the Boy Scouting and Varsity Scouting programs which are part of the Boy Scout Division of the Boy Scouts of America.
This excludes Venturing (including Sea Scouting) which is a program of the Venturing Division of the Boy Scouts of America, Cub Scouting (including Tiger Cubs and Webelos Scouts) which is a program of the Cub Scout Division of the Boy Scouts of America, and Exploring which is a division of Learning for Life, Inc., a separate, wholly-owned BSA subsidiary. If you are in Venturing, you can attend the Jamboree as a participant, only if you are also registered as a Boy Scout or Varsity Scout (and meet all of the other requirements detailed above).
Some previous Jamborees did include Explorers, which has female membership, but participation is now limited to members of the Boy Scout Division of BSA which currently has no female youth members.
Staff may come from any of the divisions (adults or youth [male or female] meeting the age
limitations described above). Male and female Venturers age 16 or older by July 23, 2001, are encouraged to apply for positions on the youth staff.
It is possible that international organizations invited to the Jamboree will bring girls as part of their contingent. They will be recognized as fully participating attendees if they meet all of the membership requirements prescribed by their national organization.
Three of our troops (1522, 1523, & 1524) will be located in subcamp 15 in the Mahone area of the Jamboree. This is a much better location than in 1997 and is very close to Action Center "A", the Environmental and Conservation Area, Jamboree Hqrs., and is about a mile closer to the arena shows. Also the Jambo busses will pass right by our location.
Our other troop (2019) will also be in the Mahone area, but in the newly created subcamp 20, located west of Mosby Road near subcamp 14 and the Heth youth staff dining area.
The following patches may be worn on the National Jamboree Uniform:
Jamboree Logo Patch (red for youth, gold for adults)(right breast)
Jamboree JSP
Jamboree unit number
Jamboree position
Trained patch (provided the participant is trained for their jamboree position)
Patrol patch
All other normal uniform patches of rank for youth
OA lodge flap, if applicable
The subcamp patch may be worn on the right pocket as a temporary patch
Adults may wear the appropriate region patch on their right sleeve
Staff wears their home uniform with the Jamboree logo patch unless dictated
otherwise by their director
+ Fishhook Lake has been stocked with 10,000 bass and
channel catfish.
+ On Tuesday evening, July 24, Scouts, leaders, and
staff who run in the 5K will clock 110,000 miles. That
is half-way to the moon!
+ At the closing arena show, July 29, Zambelli Fireworks
will shoot 12 rounds of pyrotechnics every second for 3
1/2 minutes (or 2,520 bursts) as the finale.
+ Hula dancers from Hawaii will be a featured attraction
at daily stage shows, along with the Kawadi Indian
dancers and much more.
+ There will be 25 performing bands, troupes, and
chorales from all branches of the military performing at
the daily ceremonies and arena shows.
+ The scuba area will have a staff of 250 people
conducting scuba lessons using 300 tanks.
+ Twenty-two federal and state conservation agencies
will sponsor hands-on exhibits to an estimated 40,000 Scouts,
leaders, and guests. Scouts will receive a free topo map of the jamboree site.
+ The papal nuncio from the Vatican to the United States
will celebrate the Catholic Mass on Sunday, July 29.
+ Scouts from around the world will be attending the
jamboree. See a traditional ngoma (dance) from the
Sukomo tribe from Tanzania, and a Scottish country dance
by Scottish Scouts. Hear Polish Scouts singing their
homeland Scouting songs, and be a part of the taekwan
dance by Korean Scouts.
+ Boys' Life magazine will celebrate its 90th
anniversary at the 2001 National Scout Jamboree. Drop by
the huge exhibit; see Pedro, the legendary mascot!
+ The U.S. Army Adventure Area, complete with M1A1 tank,
Apache helicopter, tracked vehicles, and displays, will
be bigger than ever.
+ Visit the spectacular Scoutopia by the Order of the
Arrow and sponsored by the U.S. Marine Corps, and drop
by the U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force flight simulators.
+ When President Bush attends the jamboree, the VIP Food
Service kitchens will be visited by the Secret Service
and gone through with a fine-tooth comb!
+ The 3,300 patrol kitchens and 27 staff dining rooms
will dish up 1,100,000 meals in just over 10 days.
+ It will take 119 45-foot trailers to deliver the
breakfast and dinner ingredients and 132 20-foot
refrigerated trucks to serve up the 315,000 kiosk
+ Scouts and staff will mix 169,000 gallons of PowerAde
in 3,900 beverage containers. It will take 700,000
pounds of ice (350 tons) to keep it cold.
+ Scouts, staff, and leaders will consume 479,000 eggs,
76,000 hamburgers (not including the ones sold at the
trading post snack bars), 90,000 pancakes, 56,500
gallons of milk, 240,000 sausage links, 10 tons of beef
stew and 14 miles of submarine sandwiches served at the
lunch kiosks.
+ Visitors' Information Services will field more than
80,000 inquiries ranging from "In which subcamp site is
a jamboree participant?" to "Where is nearest sanitary
facility?" Fifty-four staff members stationed at four
locations will answer an average of 1,481 questions.
+ The Photography Service will use all digital equipment
for the first time at a jamboree. Using professional
cameras, the photographers will record six to ten
gigabytes of photographs daily.
+ It takes 1 1/2 hours to print 40,000 copies of
Jamboree Today, which magically appears at your
breakfast table each morning of the jambboree. Don't
forget to order souvenir copies of the entire set at
a trading post to be mailed to your home, friends and
+ The 2001 National Scout Jamboree web site
( will cover events, activities,
and programs as they unfold.
+ There will be a staff of 275 Scout security personnel,
backed up by 60 firefighters supported by six companies
of military police, and augmented by Fort A.P. Hill
public safety officers and the base fire departments.
+ For the first time in the history of a national Scout
jamboree, Scouts, leaders, and staff will be issued a
SmartCard. The 25 medical centers will be able to access
medical and treatment information for any participant or
staff member in a matter of seconds. There will be
200 BSA doctors and nurses working in association with a
complete Army field hospital with over 220 military
+ Fifty to 60 semi-tractor trailers will move an
estimated 400 tons of supplies, exhibits, and equipment
from a warehouse in Dallas, Texas, to the material
staging area at the jamboree site during June 2001.
+ General Motors will provide over 500 cars, pickups,
SUVs, cargo vans, passenger vans and medium-duty trucks
to support the program and services of the jamboree, and
will give every Scout a canteen and carrying case.
+ A fleet of 80 school buses will provide internal
transportation at the jamboree site. 820 tour buses will
drop off the 33,000 Scouts and leaders on July 23 and
pick them up August 1.
+ Finally, on July 23, Jamboree City will be the fastest
growing city in the commonwealth of Virginia, with
17,000 tents going up in a matter of hours.
Staff Transportation Advisory forms have been mailed.
Transportation will be available from both Dulles and Reagan National Airports between 8:00am
and 6:00pm ONLY - July 16th through July 22nd. Cost will be $40.00 round trip or $20.00 one way, if the form is returned by April 29th - otherwise it will be $50 and $25. Your payment MUST accompany the form to receive the lower rate.
Departure from the Jamboree will be August 1st and 2nd.
If you are driving you need to indicate your arrival date and time, and which meals
you will need on your arrival day.
ARENA SHOW PROGRAMS (still subject to change)
Opening show - Jessica Simpson
Closing show - Louise Mandrell and Osmonds Second Generation (5 of the kids -
all Eagle Scouts)
Jamboree ID Smart Cards will contain encoded information about each participant. They will have basic ID and medical information. The cards will be color-coded by region. A Scout with the appropriately colored card can participate in activities at his region's activity
center. These cards will be produced at A.P. Hill by the Army. Look for increased military security throughout the Jamboree.
Also, the ticket system used for selected 1997 Jamboree activities will be expanded in 2001. This will help spread out attendance at certain popular events and give priority to those with tickets. Those without tickets will be admitted as space permits.
Boating activities, scuba and snorkeling, and some special exhibits will also require a ticket. Tickets for these activities will be issued to troops on the day of arrival at the jamboree site. Ticketing will allow maximum participation while keeping the number of people manageable for the staff of the areas involved. Ticketing also helps Scoutmasters know who is participating in the activities so they can encourage Scouts to participate. The subcamp scheduler also will set up a system for Scoutmasters to exchange or obtain tickets (as available) for use by Scouts.
Subcamp activities will consist of jamboball, a 5K run, and other activities. Equipment can be checked out from the subcamp activities area. These activities should be informal, pickup-type events with no winners or losers. Interaction within and between patrols and troops is encouraged.
Four 5K runs will be conducted simultaneously, one in each region, at 7:30p.m. on Tuesday, July 24. The events are fun runs/walks. Scouts and Scouters are encouraged to participate, and everyone who completes the course will receive a recognition. Water and first aid will be available on each course, and the course will be free of moving vehicles. No special
recognitions will be given for best times. Scouts who normally do not run should be cautioned not to overexert themselves.
Plans are in the works to set up wireless e-mail at each region - 50 terminals at each. Every Scout and leader will be assigned a private e-mail address for use at the Jamboree.
The bus system will be expanded to include busses running on Travis Lake Road - one way only (west to east) with 60-80 busses in total used only for participant and staff transportation. This will provide convenient access to the water-related activities for the Atlanta Area Council troops.
Download a bus map here! This file is over 1MB so be patient while it downloads. It is an Adobe .pdf file.
To date paid participation is 28,013 Scouts and 3,126 leaders, 98.3% of those
registered (Central Region is 100%).
The Emergency Phone Number for contacting the Jamboree site has changed to (804) 633-1000.
FOOD SERVICES - 11 kiosks will serve fresh lunches daily from 11 to 2. Everyone will receive dated tickets for the lunches. Aramark will provide the food service in a 30x40 foot tent with serving on 3 sides. On the first day Jamboree troops will pick up lunches for everyone - it will not be individual service.
In earlier years the Jamboree lunch often was the same sort of thing you would get on the trail at Philmont. This year look for fresh food, like sandwiches, fruit, etc. You won't have to carry your lunch with you - just go pick it up when you're hungry!
Lunches will consist of the following:
Ham & Cheese on a bagel
Ham & Cheese Sub
Salami and Cheese
Roast Beef
Peanut Butter & Jelly
If someone you know will be experiencing a special occasion during the Jamboree you can order an "All Occasion" cake with the Jamboree logo. Sorry, but you cannot personalize it with names, message, date, etc.
An example of a folding cart which can be used to carry your gear and pick up your food can be viewed here: See Equipment/Food Cart
Following is a statement handed out at a meeting with heads of the Special Foods Group:
"The hot sticky Virginia winds of change have blown in a cool fresh
idea for the 2001 National Scout Jamboree. Imagine after a fun filed
morning at the action center with the sun starting to sizzle, you stop by a
conveniently located Kiosk and pick up a fresh lunch with an ice cold drink
After two years of testing and the help of Scouts and leaders at the
Robert E. Lee Council in Richmond, Virginia, a plan has taken shape that
will provide a fresh lunch between the hours of 11:00 am and 2 pm. Eleven
strategic sites have been identified as Kiosk locations.
The concept is a cooperative effort between the Food Services
Group's Special Food Service headed by Chairman John Rodriquez, Director
Jerry Dehoney, Kiosk manager David Dobbs and Regional Commissary staffs. A
team from the commissary will work with a Kiosk manager from the Special
Food Service to operate the Kiosks.
Lunches will be packed in Richmond and will arrive at night on
refrigerated trucks that will be stationed next to the Kiosks. The Kiosks
will be a 30 x 40 awning-style tent with counter access for serving on three
sides. Kiosks will have signage for easy identification and will be noted
on the map contained in the Scout guide.
Scouts, leaders and selected staff members will be issued tickets
for the lunches. The tickets (similar to a plastic key tag) will be
attached to a key ring lanyard and simply twist-off. The tickets are
color-coded for each day.
Lunches because they are fresh will need to be consumed immediately
after they are issued and the waste properly disposed in a nearby
On your day of arrival a fresh lunch will be waiting for pick-up and
issued in lots of 40 for the entire troop. A special certificate or ticket
will be issued to contingents. A few scouts from each troop can stop by a
pre-assigned (day of arrival only) Kiosk and receive the lunches for the
Note: In the Troop Leader Guide it stated that the lunch on day of
arrival would be issued from the commissary, this will now take place at the
The Food Service Group is very excited about the opportunity to work
with the subcamp commissary staff and provide a fresh new concept in feeding
at the 2001 National Scout Jamboree."
MORE FOOD SERVICES INFORMATION - Regarding special foods at the Jamboree - Only those who have already submitted a request for a kosher diet (form was due by February 15, 2001) will receive special meals. Anyone else requiring a special diet is on their own.
The Jamboree Staff and Subcamp Guides say:
If there are special food needs, because of medical reasons, you should first advise the jamboree medical officer of your situation and ascertain that you are eligible to attend the jamboree. After medical permission is granted, or if your dietary needs are of a religious nature other than kosher, you should make your own arrangements to meet that need. You can do this by bringing nonperishable food with you, much as you would medications. You can also buy food at local supermarkets in Bowling Green or Fredericksburg.
The Subcamp Guide further says:
A limited service is available through the Special Food Service to purchase items not provided through the regular food service. Special purchase officers will purchase items (if available) locally. Payment for special purchases must be made in advance to your subcamp commissary officer. Allow at least 24 hours for special items.
Clarification of the statement on the official National Scout Jamboree
Personal Health and Medical Forms (NSJ34412-01).
The medical form states the ORIGINAL should be brought to the Jamboree;
however, after the forms were printed, a scanning system was implemented
changing the procedure. As stated in the cover letter sent with the forms,
the ORIGINAL UNFOLDED medical form MUST be sent to the national
office in bulk to be scanned and a COPY TAKEN TO THE JAMBOREE site with
each participant and staff member.
Councils must send completed medical form ORIGINALS for the entire council
contingent to the National Scout Jamboree Medical Officer by Tuesday,
May 1, 2001. If there are any subsequent medical problems from time of the
physical until the Jamboree, the parents are to note their copy of the
medical form and resubmit it to the council office, and give a revised copy
These medical forms are to be used by Scouts, leaders, and staff. At the
Jamboree the Jamboree Health and Safety Service will issue to each Scout,
leader, and staff member a SmartCard with a link to vital identification
and medical information. In order to scan the medical form into the
database, only the original medical form will be accepted.
Jamboree medical forms for the Atlanta Area Council will not be distributed
until sometime in January. Atlanta Area Council participants must fill out
this original medical form using a black ink pen and have a physical examination
between December 1, 2000, and April 1, 2001 (or due date of the form, whichever
is later). The unfolded original form should be returned to your
Jamboree troop leaders by April 2, 2001, or other date in April as established
by your troop leaders.
PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY! Participants should make a copy for their records before
submitting the medical form to their troop leaders. After collecting all
medical forms the troop leaders will make copies and give the originals to
the council office. These copies can be used for summer camp or for other
purposes. The original will not be returned.
Jamboree staff should return their unfolded original medical forms to the
director of their assigned area or other designated person. This information should
have been included with the medical form sent to you.
If council staff has any questions, call Ed Woodlock, Jamboree Medical
Officer, (972) 580-2447.
You can download a copy of the medical form here. Remember - you must use the original form - not a copy! This is a very large file (over 3MBs), so be patient. It is an Adobe .pdf file.
Any person with the following medical conditions:
cardiac history, high blood pressure, diabetes melitus (with insulin or
oral medication), obesity, asthma, sickle-cell anemia, hemophilia, severe
blood dyscrasia, HIV infection, epileptic seizures, convulsions,
physical disability, or psychiatric illness, must submit a request
for a medical alert using the form on the back page of the medical
This form should be signed by a health care practitioner, photocopied
and the photocopy sent to Boy Scouts of America, Jamboree Medical Officer,
S212, 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane, P.O. Box 152079, Irving, TX 75015-2079
by April 30, 2001. The original must be left attached to the original
medical form and turned in to your Jamboree troop leaders.
Hepatitis B immunizations, while not required for participants 18 and older, are recommended for everyone (as Scouts and Scouters active in the outdoors, there is a high likelyhood of exposure to blood at one time or another).
In section III please note that the hepatitis B immunization is required
for youth under 18. If the six to seven month series of shots has not been
completed, have the doctor note that the immunization is in progress. If a
youth's parents or doctor object to the hepatitis B immunization, have them
note such on the medical form. No youth will be turned away for not having
the hepatitis B immunization.
The Lyme disease shots are not recommended. While there are lots of deer ticks at Fort A.P. Hill, they are no more prevalent then any woodsy area in Georgia. If Scouts stay out of the woods ("KEEP OUT" signs are posted and major tick areas are treated before arrival), and daily tick checks are encouraged, then lyme disease would be a minor threat. Additionally, there are some medical concerns about the long-term effects of the current vaccine.
From the Leader's Handbook for the 2001 National Jamboree.
"Immunization requirements are based on recommendations of the U.S.
Public Health Service. All participants must provide proof of
immunization for tetanus within 10 years (since 1991). In addition,
youth participants must provide verification of the following
immunizations since birth: (1) measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR); (2)
polio vaccine (oral or injection); (3) diphtheria, pertussis, and
tetanus (DPT); and (4) chicken pox. It is recommended BUT NOT REQUIRED,
that immunizations for hepatitis B and Lyme disease (for persons 15
years of age and older) be considered."
See note above about hepatitis B immunizations.
Record, No. NSJ-34412-0l) (March, 2001, Information):
1) Health forms are due to National by May 1st.
2) Original must be sent.
3) Section V has three sub-sections:
a) Two "yes/no" questions at the top.
b) Medications update. Immediately prior (within 30 days) to the
jamboree please complete the information about medications on the
photocopy of the original and bring to the jamboree, where medical
staff will review it.
c) The usual parental medical treatment release and certification that all the
information on the form is correct to their knowledge. This section should
be SIGNED BY THE PARENTS (if applicant is under age 18) BEFORE SUBMITTING
to National. Applicants should also sign the form. Parents sign the
original copy. THIS IS A SIGNATURE FOR THE ENTIRE FORM, not just this section.
4) In section III please note that the hepatitis B immunization is required
for youth under 18. If the six to seven month series of shots has not been
completed, have the doctor note that the immunization is in progress. If a
youth's parents or doctor object to the hepatitis B immunization, have them
note such on the medical form. No youth will be turned away for not having
the hepatitis B immunization.
5) In section VI, the laboratory requirements for fasting blood glucose,
hemoglobin, and urine are not required for any participant under 18. They
are required for any participant or staff member 18 or older.
6) What about folded forms? Submit them anyway. There are around 40,000
forms to be computer scanned. Think of the problem it would be to process
40,000 forms that have been folded, spindled, mutilated, or have attachments
stapled to them! Nowhere does it say folded forms would not be accepted. It has
simply been requested that forms not be folded or items attached. The only
"must" is in regard to sending in the originals.
7) What will happen if your forms are a little late? Probably nothing. They are
not likely to review and scan all the forms in one day! Late forms will
just go to the back of the queue.
Every day, beginning Wednesday, July 25, and continuing through Tuesday,
July 31, the Jamboree will be open to visitors. Hours are from 9am to 5pm.
Only for the arena shows on July 25 and 29 will visitors be permitted to stay until 11pm. There is no admittance fee charged for the Jamboree.
Visitors do not have access to all Jamboree events. Some activities of visitor interest are:
-- Brownsea Island Re-enactment Camp (thhe first Boy Scout encampment by Robert Baden-Powell)
-- Conservation Trail - a fun and educattional experience (patches may not be available to visitors)
-- National Exhibits Area - Several inteeresting displays and activities, including OA dance teams, military exhibits, and Pedro
-- Daily Stage Shows (obtain schedule att visitor center when you arrive)
-- Merit Badge Midway (space permittiing only)
-- U.S. Army Action Center (patches may not be available to visitors)
-- Home Troop Camping Sites - Tour the uunique and eye-catching gateways
-- Trading Posts - Buy burgers, fries, aand souvenirs
If you do all of the above, you will have a very busy and tiring day!
Spice up your Jamboree troop meetings with these Icebreakers, Problem Solving Activities, Name Games, Team Building Activities, etc. from!
For ideas on training your Jamboree youth leadership check out these web sites:
JLT Weekend - Sample Schedule
Leadership Resources
"Scouting is a game with a purpose"
Patrol Method, Leadership Roles, Leadership Skills, Ceremonies, etc.
11 Leadership Skills
Would you like to voice your opinion regarding the Jamboree?
Doug Gentry, host of the Bowline jamboree discussion list, has indicated the national jamboree staff is interested in the thoughts of participants regarding various Jamboree issues.
He has set up the "Voice of the Scouter" survey form on the Bowline list to take your input. Remember, when making comments, the Jambo is for the Scouts and your thoughts should reflect this.
If you have an opinion, you can share it at:
You can post your opinion, see the cumulative tally, and read others' opinions.
The Jamboree foot lockers (JB27065) were supposed to have the Jamboree logo embossed into them, but they were made with just a sticker placed on them. National has stopped selling them and is refunding the money for footlockers that have been ordered. If you were shipped one they are still refunding the money and are not asking for their return. The remainder are being returned to the manufacturer.
If you use snail-mail to order your Jamboree merchandise don't forget to put your PIN on the order form. There is no space on the form for the PIN, but include it anyway. If you have to call about your order it will greatly increase the chances of actually getting any information.
If you order a staff nameplate using the special staff nameplate ordering form (#70-061), please note the order form has the incorrect address.
Send your staff nameplate orders to the normal Jamboree ordering address:
P.O. Box 65989
Charlotte, NC, 28265-0989
Do not use this address:
P.O. Box 909
Pineville, NC 28134-0909
Supply Division is working hard to listen to your concerns, and as much as possible, act to resolve any problems. They are especially committed to making sure Scouts and Scouters receive any merchandise they have ordered. If you do have any Jamboree Catalog Order
comments, please send an email to Include as much information about your order as possible, and they will work to resolve any problems.
From Rick Diles
Director - 2001 Jamboree Trading Post Services
Supply Division Assistant Director - Merchandising/ Manufacturing
There will be no Order of the Arrow arena show in 2001!
A council in New York state recruited Jamboree troop leaders and over 67 Scouts, but someone at the council level failed to apply for any Jamboree troops. This came to light in November just as troop numbers were being assigned. While the Jamboree was full, a new subcamp has been formed and hopefully this unfortunate council will get a couple of spots there.
See you at the
Email the Jambo 2001
webmaster at:
Last revised August 29, 2001.
© 1999-2001, Earl Owens
All rights reserved.
Web design by:
Clear Horizons
You are visitor
since August 8, 1999
Disclaimer: All Jamboree patches, guidebooks, logos, images and other materials are the property of the Boy Scouts of America and may not be used for commercial purposes without written permission.
The use of Yahoo!Geocities for this web site in no way constitutes an endorsement of Yahoo!Geocities or any of its advertisers, services or products by the Boy Scouts of America or the Atlanta Area Council, nor should any affiliation be inferred.