Mission Statement

The Socially United Nudists Club (The SUN Club) is a social, family oriented nudists organization whose members sponsor clothing optional activities for its members, families and friends. We are an all volunteer organization whose members can sponsor activities any time to help build a strong social environment for friendships, while enjoying a healthy nudist lifestyle. We are non-discriminatory.
As a club we stay active through weekly TGIF get togethers at local restaurants. Member sponsored activities during each month include, but are not limited to, get togethers, pot lucks, hot tubbing, movie nights, game nights, hikes, camp outs, etc. BR> We hope to keep our dues as low as possible. American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR)dues + North West Nudist Association (NWNA)dues and the cost of The SUN club's newsletter. If you would like to join or for more information write, The SUN Club at 1089 Medford Center #170 Medford, Oregon 97504 or Call 541-664 8552.

Links to other Nude Organizations

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